Into the Yuan and Ming, indigo print gradually fading out people's lives.
More than one tooltip can be visible concurrently, some fading out while another fades in.
Many human affairs are fading out and eventually disappeared in the depth of history.
Or as George Orwell said: "the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world."
Sky glow was gradually fading out, the crimson color turned scarlet, crimson and light red.
His father himself was fading out of his soul to some extent, under the splendor of his love.
Notice how the green color of the grass shows through and how light is fading out on certain surfaces.
The paper points out that fading out of actively fiscal policy should combine with the changes of situations.
If I'm not interested after the date, I'll head straight home and begin my process of fading out of this girl's life.
Gradually fading out of the fellow's life, village fees or business as usual, may rarely participated in the activity.
I have always been working hard but suddenly I feel a bit lost, maybe because my vision starts fading out at some point.
There is no doubt that our lives have been enriched by new technologies, but many activities have fallen victim to technological advances and are fading out.
When the school day was finally done, and the blush was fading out of my cheeks from the volleyball incident, I changed quickly back into my jeans and navy blue sweater.
Well, the Cheshire Cat-like Rick Perry — he seems to be fading out, bit by bit, until only the hair remains — claimed, implausibly, that he could create 1.2 million jobs in the energy sector.
Movies can distort time, slow movement down, or speed it up, show actors fading in and out of scenes, etc.
The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.
They fade into and out of view, rather than popping in and out, and the fading reverses direction as the cursor moves over and away from the HTML elements.
In a slide show, the images appear in a timed sequence, with images fading in and out.
Techniques like this yellow fading highlight, or content that slides in or fades out, won't be permanently distracting.
Tooltips defined with the FadingTooltip widget pop into and out of view, rather than fading in and out.
Although ghosd_flash provides a useful interface for fading text in and out, a simple fade-out is better for this visualization.
The first module you will look at is the Effects module, which includes features such as hiding elements, moving them around, fading them in and out, and so on.
您将看到的第一个模块是Effects 模块,它包含很多特性,比如隐藏元素、随处移动元素、淡入淡出元素等。
Still, Europe’s fading allure seemed to be underlined by the news that Stephen Schwarzman, the boss of Blackstone, an American buy-out firm, is moving to Paris for a few months.
In the fading light I could make out here and there guns, hats, combat trousers, boots, a beard, another gun and a white flag.
In the fading light I could make out here and there guns, hats, combat trousers, boots, a beard, another gun and a white flag.