The DOH also allows you to specify a custom timeout in milliseconds that will fail the test if a response is not returned within the specified time.
The test case in Listings 2 through 4 produce a NoClassDefFoundError because an implicit load of class B will fail
清单2到清单4的测试用例产生了NoClassDefFoundError,因为类B 的隐式装入会失败
Sometimes it's simplest to have a human sit in front of the program and mark each test as pass or fail.
Chances are that the test will fail several times in the project life as the bug resurfaces.
In this case, the test runner reminds you that it skipped the tests, but it won't actually fail you.
In typical circumstances, these changes to the objects in the application under test have cause the functional test run to fail.
This is challenging because there is no network in a unit test and the AJAX call will fail.
This is the most reliable way to find components in a test; it guarantees that component lookup will never fail, even if the GUI's layout changes in the future.
Also, the test in Line 13 will fail to detect an error because the result of the call will not be an empty string.
In JUnit 4, if your test suite consists of 1000 tests and 3 of them fail, you'll likely be forced to rerun the entire suite (with fixes).
Only 30% of apprentices pass the test -which is not to say that the rest die by eating their fugu -they can fail in earlier parts of the test.
Now you need to perform the steps in the application under test as per the test steps, selecting the appropriate buttons for Pass, Fail or Inconclusive.
We clearly have data showing that these animals recognize themselves in the mirror, but fail the mark test.
If you change the ID attribute of a component that is checked in a test, the test will fail.
Once the program passes a test, it is unlikely to fail that test again in the future.
Some test-takers will only fail TOEFL once in their whole lives, then they won't have enough nerve to fail the second time.
United may be without Rio Ferdinand in Rome should the defender fail to pass a fitness test for Sunday's Barclays Premier League clash against Hull City.
Only 30% of apprentices pass the test – which is not to say that the rest die by eating their fugu – they can fail in earlier parts of the test.
Conventional and modern well test analysis methods are successful only in the interpretation of the middle period of well testing data, but they fail to analysis the early period data.
In this case, the initialization time counts toward the time limit that is imposed on the first test, and it therefore could cause that test to fail.
Shut in pressures of some oil-gas wells with abnormal high pressure can not be tested as the limitation of equipment and technique conditions to fail in getting test data.
At present studying in potency, as the disease condition of animal test model of tinea corporis is serious, some antifungal Chinese drugs that have a weak potency fail to take effect.
At present studying in potency, as the disease condition of animal test model of tinea corporis is serious, some antifungal Chinese drugs that have a weak potency fail to take effect.