Failure load was assessed in 25-degree adduction with a bone gap.
Research show that the method of extrapolating failure load and net section yield criterion are available.
This thesis focuses on bond failure modes, failure mechanics, factors influencing bond behavior, bond shear stress-slip relationship and bond failure load.
The strength of filament-wound pipe is evaluated by ANSYS. With properties of its layer element and the maximum stress criterion, the pressure failure load is obtained.
基于A NSYS有限元分析软件,利用其中的层合板单元,对纤维缠绕复合材料弯管的强度进行分析,并进一步预测了弯管的破坏压力。
Damaged condition and residual capability to resist failure load of a structure under seismic action are important for seismic optimum design and post-earthquake strengthening.
The results of experimentation indicate that the failure load of the delaminated composite panels declines and the failure strain increases as the increasing of delaminated area.
With the help of plastic hinge theory and collapse theory, the formulas for calculating strength failure load and the method for computing collapse load were established respectively.
The dynamic strength failure is the main seismic failure mode of single-layer reticulated shells, and the prediction of failure load requires the consideration of material damage cumulation.
This policy evenly distributes replicas in the cluster which makes it easy to balance load on component failure.
In the distributed environment, CPU utilization must be balanced against expected peak load, hardware failure and defined Quality of Service requirements.
Obviously, production may have many more than two so it can handle the intended load, but this staging environment need only have enough servers to adequately test the failure and recovery scenarios.
The pre-script might return a success or failure code, in the latter case the file will not enter into the load file set.
In the event of a failure, you simply quiesce the test workload and let the DB2 standby assume the load of the failed server without consideration for throughput reduction.
当有故障发生时,只需暂停测试工作负载,让DB 2承担出故障的服务器的负载,这样就不必担心吞吐量降低。
You should also visually indicate (see the red slashed circles in the following figure) the particular plug-in that caused a load failure.
If the transaction load was heavy at the time the partial site failure occurred, it can take several minutes to restart the instances and the databases affected.
You can use the slave servers to help spread the load and provide resilience in the event of a failure.
When a failure of the server in the cluster occurs, the hot standby server takes on the load of the failed server machine in addition to the work that it was performing during normal operations.
Hadoop is a perfect tool to achieve this goal with its ability to work with thousands of nodes and petabytes of data and automatically handle job scheduling, partial failure, and load balancing.
The advantage of a three-member cluster is that in the case of a server failure, there are two remaining members to handle the load.
Use off-the-shelf MySQL as the storage engine, because we understand its behavior — in normal use as well as under extreme load and unusual failure conditions.
This involves testing the application under a heavy load and simulating various failure conditions.
Under an abnormally large load, the server will return failure codes appropriately.
If you go to the trouble to preload a set of data, it should be replicated to avoid having to re-load it on a failure.
In the case of IIOP load balancer, the requirement was that the orb should be able to provide its remote clients the ability to failover to other cluster members when a failure occurs.
在IIOP负载平衡的情况下,需求如下:当一个失败产生时,or b应该让其远程客户端对集群中的其他成员也产生失败的结果。
This paper comprises of the following parts: 1, To analyze the basic principle, structural features, main failure types and load characteristics of the roller chain of cooling transporter.
It is possible that many failure modes have emergence during the structural service period. For example, dead load strength failure, stiffness failure and fatigue failure.
But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure.
But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure.