The CLR needs to be told when the thread is entering or exiting a critical region so that, should a failure condition occur, the CLR can notify the host appropriately.
This means that every day devices such as lights can be used to notify us of a build failure.
In those cases, the client SOAP stack needs to notify the sending application of the failure — but these are unrecoverable errors.
The UI tier will need to notify the user of transaction failure, and solicit input on how to handle the situation.
Next, on the left panel of the Notification tab, you indicate who to notify on success or failure of the task.
Customer shall notify ABC immediately of Product failure, allow ABC full and free access to the Product, and cooperate fully with ABC in ABC's servicing of the Product.
Customer shall notify ABC immediately of Product failure, allow ABC full and free access to the Product, and cooperate fully with ABC in ABC's servicing of the Product.