If you don't like it, fair enough, but that's hardly a justification to attack the whole thing.
We're all gonna do it. You, me and Juliet will do his or her bit. Fair enough?
If I don't answer the landline because I'm putting the kids to bed, fair enough.
As for the profit sharing we shall give you a share of40% which is fair enough to you.
Lin Zhi: That's a fair enough point. Okay, if not the news, what else should we watch?
Fair enough. If an employee is determined to break the law, he will figure out a way to do it.
I'd like to see that new film tonight. Fair enough, I'll meet you outside the cinema at 7.30.
Of course, there are plenty of people who believe it's fair enough to enforce bus lanes in this way.
That might seem fair enough, given the scandals in which hedge-fund managers overstated returns.
Hey let's face the damn truth, honey, it's fair enough, cuz I don't know what the hell you are.
Media only report negative news of Chinese food but ignore the efforts made by China. Is it fair enough?
Some Congressional critics complain that President Obama should have consulted Congress more thoroughly. Fair enough.
They counter by telling us they only want to protect those things that are theirs, which is fair enough, as far as it goes.
What can a potential employer ask you? It's fair enough for an interviewer to inquire about your job history and education.
Fair enough, but what about when you walk up to an NPC in the field of battle and you need to hear the sagely words they utter?
Fair enough, we might say. After all, we really ought to specify unique conditions or at least conditions that can be arranged by specificity.
There is never a work without a payment. It is just that the payments vary in forms. Things are actually fair enough. Have some faith in God.
Itis being proposed that pupils will no longer have to study theVictorians or the Second World War - fair enough, they do that atsecondary school.
This sounds a lot, though I suggest that, if it included the sort of multitasking mirror-gazing that I was doing just then, it might be fair enough.
"I said 'if you can give me a reason as to why wearing flats would impair me to do my job today, then fair enough', but they couldn't," Ms Thorp told BBC.
He also wants his adopted home to have one of the lowest rates of corporate tax in the world, as it did in the 1980s. (it now has one of the highest.) Fair enough.
Given it fell by almost half in the half-year prior to March's low-point, you might think that's fair enough: the sharper the fall, the more dramatic the bounce-back.
I think that's fair enough, really - they've worked themselves into the ground to avoid relegation and weren't far away from promotion, let alone clearing the drop zone!
Fair enough, but America allows them to tackle less fashionable ills such as bad roads and sanitation, and to do so in a way that fosters initiative rather than dependency.
It's fair enough for people to engage in their own cultural practices where those practices don't harm others, but the state shouldn't be imposing those practices on other people.
Fair enough, but Apple would be silly to think it can keep the mobile market all to itself, and its developer agreement comes off as a piece of literature holding developers hostage.
Fair enough, but Apple would be silly to think it can keep the mobile market all to itself, and its developer agreement comes off as a piece of literature holding developers hostage.