Even General Motors (GM), Ford's main home-grown rival, has faired better of late.
The curve faired by this method tends to possesses smaller strain energy and rather uniform changes in curvatures.
One can only imagine how he would have faired working with Peter Kenyon who, let's face it, has it easy in comparison.
I faired in the excess on the bottom side to clean up the look and give any air bubbles when submerged a nice easy ride.
Moving the elevators out of their faired position causes the airplane to change the pitch attitude about the lateral axis.
Retailers however were up as the Christmas season faired better than expected for consumer goods –despite a global economic slowdown.
For instance, the subjects faired poorly on the last test of the day they took during week three as compared with that same test during week 1.
Based on the simulation results, we concluded that the algorithm could be used for controlling system overload based on service policy effectively and faired.
The Z-9B variant features a modified 11-blade Fenestron faired-in tail rotor with wider-chord, all-composite blades instead of 13 all-metal blades as in as 365n1.
Z - 9b型特点是一个改进11浆叶涵道尾桨,减阻内置螺旋浆采用宽弦、全-复合浆叶而不是像在AS 365n1型中的13片全-金属浆叶。
Like the Z-9B, the Z-9C also features a modified 11-blade Fenestron faired-in tail rotor with wider-chord, all-composite blades instead of 13 all-metal blades as in as 365n1.
如同Z - 9b, Z - 9c也具有的特征是一个改进11浆叶涵道减阻内置尾螺旋浆,采用宽弦全复合浆叶而不是像AD 365n1型一样的13片全-金属浆叶。
The algorithm automatically identifies the point at which the NURBS curve has to be faired. Modifying locally the control polygon, the algorithm yields a NURBS curve with improved fairness.
The algorithm automatically identifies the point at which the NURBS curve has to be faired. Modifying locally the control polygon, the algorithm yields a NURBS curve with improved fairness.