Or if the passport is a fake and the chip cloned, it could just as easily pass muster.
On Tuesday it should pass the $600.8 million amassed in 1997-98 by Cameron's own Titanic and become the all-time domestic box-office champ (in fake dollars).
When he returned home, he sighed: "I didn't know until today the power of authority, which can confound right with wrong and pass off the fake as the real thing."
回到家里,申屠敦唉声叹气: :“我今天才知道权势的威力,可以颠倒是非,以假乱真。”
When he returned home, he sighed: "I didn't know until today the power of authority, which can confound right with wrong and pass off the fake as the real thing."
回到家里,申屠敦唉声叹气: :“我今天才知道权势的威力,可以颠倒是非,以假乱真。”