I didn't want to fall a victim to mammonism.
They didn't want to fall a victim to mammonism.
One is the steady fall in the euro, a victim of the crisis. That ought to help Portugal sell into markets it has tried to target-in Angola, Brazil, China and America.
I am very keen that children and young women should be informed about airbrushing, so they don't fall victim to looking at an image and thinking that anyone can have a 12in waist.
That way, your potential customers know they only have a limited time to respond and they won't fall victim to the "I'll do it later" syndrome。
There's also a slim but real chance you could fall victim to a predator who's deliberately luring you into a vulnerable position, gathering information that can be used to control or victimize you.
Human babies sometimes fall victim to a similar phenomenon named sudden infant death syndrome, the cause of which is still unknown.
In other words, if we fail to care about personal hygiene, we are very likely to leave a bad impression and to fall victim to all kinds of diseases.
That way, your potential customers know they only have a limited time to respond and they won't fall victim to the "I'll do it later" syndrome.
A lowlander exposed to the low oxygen concentrations of high elevations can quickly fall victim to altitude sickness, whose symptoms include nausea, dizziness, and fatigue.
The consumptive behavior of game players and trading is to rely on a network to finish, the service that enjoys also is dematerialize, when the problem appears, of fall victim often is consumer.
As youngsters undergoing growth both physically and psychologically, a healthy family provides invaluable love and guidance for vulnerable children, who often fall victim to abuse and injury.
Ramsey follows Abou Diaby and Eduardo as a high-profile victim of dangerous tackling but, on further examination, they are not the only Arsenal players to fall foul of serious foul play.
The end of criminal proceedings as a result of the withdrawal of criminal cases is likely to fall victim to the pursuit of the request, and at last lead to the victim "secondary victimization".
The end of criminal proceedings as a result of the withdrawal of criminal cases is likely to fall victim to the pursuit of the request, and at last lead to the victim "secondary victimization".