Many commonly used words fall into this category.
Discrete component electric circuits fall into this category.
Up to 3m migrants, many undocumented and mostly from Myanmar, fall into this category.
Most mobile and wireless devices fall into this category, specifically those used for PvC.
People who train with clickers or markers and never correct a dog also fall into this category.
Hyperspace travel using hidden dimensions that have yet to be sensed would fall into this category.
Robbery bank or other financial institute of office property doesn't fall into this category either.
Purging databases, configuring, and making other exceptional requests might fall into this category.
Prisoners fall into this category as well as those help captive in a controlling, abusive relationship.
Burg says that people who fall into this category could do better with more regular health-care follow-ups.
During this period, different kind of diesel and alcohols generated from wood fall into this category.
The returns may look smooth but this is an illusion-property and private equity can fall into this category.
Telephone directories and dictionaries, and probably cookbooks and textbooks, will all fall into this category.
XML and resource definitions (i.e. properties files) fall into this category, but e.g. plain text files do not.
Unfortunately, your problematic plug-in probably does not fall into this category of plug-ins successfully loaded.
If you fall into this category, try working for a fairly mature startup before starting one yourself. (See the next point.)
Supercentenarians, or individuals that are older than 110, are even rarer—only one in seven million fall into this category.
In universities the vast majority of tasks fall into this category, and I'm sure the same is true for most other large institutions.
If you fall into this category, Worthington suggests adding long bangs, to visually shorten the distance from the forehead to the chin.
Plants in almost a third of the habitats studied were thought to fall into this category, the scientists reported in the journal Nature.
The survey also found one in six households was in poverty, with pensioners and families with children most likely to fall into this category.
Retail sales numbers fall into this category as consumer spending accounts for approximately two-thirds of all U. S. economic activities.
Games such as Patience or Tetris (the freeware version for Windows is called Tetrus), or casino-based games, often fall into this category.
Patience和Tetris (Windows上的免费版本称为Tetrus)这样的游戏和纸牌游戏往往属于这一类。
The survey also found one in six households was in poverty, with pensioners and families with children most likely to fall into this category.
Bumbler - Most people fall into this category. Scientists found 50 percent can't make up their mind, and vary their strategy when walking in crowds.
Bumbler - Most people fall into this category. Scientists found 50 per cent can't make up their mind, and vary their strategy when walking in crowds.
It is thought that companies that fall into this category take positions that are high-risk, as they are able to leverage these risks based on the policy preference they receive.
Sure, fewer people fall into this category just as fewer beams of sunlight fall through the canopy onto the forest floor, but where are resources, there's potential to survive.
Many souls incarnate in human form upon Earth at this time in human history fall into this category, they come from another Great Central Sun and the related unconscious therein.
Many work for firms that develop both open-source and proprietary programs and combine them in all kinds of business models.Nearly 40% of companies surveyed fall into this category.