Not all the neutral tones of Linyi dialect pronounce slight and short, sometimes we use falling-rising tone or rising tone.
Its "Even-Going Tone" is equivalent to the High and Level, the Rising and the Falling Tones, and its "RisingTone" equivalent to the Falling-Rising Tome in Beijing speech.
Compared to ancient tone type, Zhangjiakou dialect also has four tones: level tone, rising tone, falling tone and entering tone, but it has no voiced tone;
The fourth chapter: Bangbing-Bulang has altogether four kinds of single tones, which including 55 Indiscriminately allocates, 51high falling tone, 13low rising tones high and 31 the low falling tone.
总计辅音音位45 个。第四章:帮丙布朗语单字调共四种调,高平调55、高降调51、低升调13和低降调31。
The fourth chapter: Bangbing-Bulang has altogether four kinds of single tones, which including 55 Indiscriminately allocates, 51high falling tone, 13low rising tones high and 31 the low falling tone.
总计辅音音位45 个。第四章:帮丙布朗语单字调共四种调,高平调55、高降调51、低升调13和低降调31。