But with the drought, the farmers began to fence off their land-even fallow land-for fear it would be ruined by passing herds.
Some views are put forward for future development, such as development of forage in winter fallow land, interplanting crops with pasture plants, b...
Some views are put forward for future development, such as development of forage in winter fallow land, interplanting crops with pasture plants, building pasture ba...
Farmers know that soil needs rest, so they rotate their crops and systematically leave a portion of their land fallow.
It also wants to turn some fallow or confiscated land over to landless people, as a way to reduce Colombia's high unemployment rate.
West of the boundary, the land appears as a patchwork of brown fallow fields and green growing crops.
Its low value encourages owners of land to leave much of it fallow or sparsely grazed by a few cows.
And so Jama Khan's land lay fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabbling over his inheritance all the while.
Experts believe that Russia has huge potential for growth - millions of acres of farmland lie fallow and vast expanses of fertile land have never been farmed at all.
Once-productive land lies fallow. The deadline of 2014 for completing the reform has been postponed; 2025 has been mooted but even that may be too ambitious.
This autumn, Israel begins the one year in seven when Jewish farmers are meant to let their land lie fallow; observant Jews will not eat food from Jewish farmers who break the ban.
Most of the land where tobacco and maize used to grow lies fallow, taken over by wild vegetation.
For centuries African farmers allowed for this by letting the land lie fallow for eight or nine years after a harvest.
But the fact is that with a very high proportion of arable land, there is still a lot of arable land which is not cultivated, which is lying fallow.
Better still, farmers can plant biofuel crops on "set aside" fields, land that Europe's agriculture policy would otherwise require be left fallow.
Andso Jama Khan 's land fallow for 30 years after his death, his family squabblingoverhis inheritance allthewhile.
Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation.
Rather than eliminate subsidies, and to introduce new payments to encourage farmers to treat their land in environmentally friendlier ways, or to leave it fallow .
Brussels has repeatedly urged growers to cut costs by letting nearly 500,000 acres of land lie fallow, and swap plonk production for more expensive, higher quality wine.
That is why farmers can benefit from policies that induce them to leave land fallow.
Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation.
The field tests are carried out to study the characteristics of heterogeneous soil water flow in tilled land and fallow field respectively.
The field tests are carried out to study the characteristics of heterogeneous soil water flow in tilled land and fallow field respectively.