Then again, perhaps this is a false dichotomy and the answer hangs precariously somewhere in the middle.
Definition: in false dichotomy, the arguer sets up the situation so it looks like there are only two choices.
Thinking about having to choose one or the other is a false dichotomy that obstructs most people from making progress in their lives.
In this paper I argue that Roger Ames' and David Hall's recent interpretation and translation of the Zhongyong draws a false dichotomy between Chinese and Western modes of thought.
In the end, says Dr Krystal, the dichotomy between the valid and the useful may turn out to be a false one.
A basic reason some people have given for introducing the dichotomy is false: namely, justification in science does not proceed "down" in the direction of observation terms.
A basic reason some people have given for introducing the dichotomy is false: namely, justification in science does not proceed "down" in the direction of observation terms.