A false friend, he often bow in bad friends, it is hard to get people's respect.
Anyone who chooses to be a friend or a false friend who believes in selfish and cowardly people may be misunderstood.
Treating the best methods of others kindly and relenting others, the false friend is more terrible than the open enemy.
Another advantage of a genuine inheritance tax (not a false friend like Britain's) is that the tax authorities can set different rates according to how close heirs are to the donor.
Another friend of the couple says the rumours, first published by British newspaper news of the World, are "totally false".
Wouldst thou have me to believe, O wise and pious friend, that a false show can be better- can be more for God's glory, or man's welfare- than God's own truth?
Saying that we like someone "as a friend" definitely can convey the message we are not interested, it can also lead to false hopes that we 'may come around' if they are patient enough.
I trusted my friend with my money, but he played me false and disappeared with it.
In the absence of any under the circumstances, could actually used false means to slander them as a friend of their country.
Well my friend, this is BASED on FALSE assumptions that you are not good enough and therefore must get her interested.
My friend does not indulge in what he calls flattery, false praise and mellifluous comments.
I started thinking about false choices when I heard a friend describe a new job he was considering.
Similarly, a Cambodian saying goes "Only in tough time can one tell a true friend from a false one."
柬埔寨谚语说, “只有在患难中,才能识别谁是真朋友,谁是假朋友”。
Simultaneously the network hiding, causes certain people to use the false status to carryon the evil intention to make the friend, chats, swindles the wealth and so on.
Simultaneously the network hiding, causes certain people to use the false status to carryon the evil intention to make the friend, chats, swindles the wealth and so on.