Pseudonymous means it's published with a false name, a false author attributed.
But Stapleton was living so close to Baskerville Hall and using a false name.
He checked in at this hotel under a false name last night but this morning he checked out.
He initially gave a false name, but police found his wallet with his New Zealand driver's license.
Okuomose may be traveling throughout Thailand, North America, and Lagos, Nigeria, possibly using a false name.
He had been living in England under a false name, for several months when the long arm of the law finally caught up with him.
Creating groups like this may not violate Facebook's Terms of Service, although at the very least, creating a Facebook profile under a false name does.
He said: "I was playing in my Sunday League team once and the referee accused me of giving him a false name, after I made a minor foul on another player."
The phenomenon of pseudepigraphy, that is,writings under a false name, was very,very popular in the ancient world, and we have all kinds of evidences for it.
Thaksin reportedly lived under a false name in Germany for more than a year and has used illegally received passports from a number of other countries as well.
As the colonial era is long gone, it is high time for the international community to stop referring to Qomolangma with a false name and to recognize her in her true Tibetan name.
The police stop a cyclist for jumping a red light, she gives them a false name and address and off she goes, the wrong way up a one way street. There is nothing much anyone can do.
Tyndale was helped, by Londoners with more worldly wisdom than himself, to go to Germany under a false name, with his half-completed rendering of the New Testament tucked deep inside his trunk.
To make this work, a resource name has to be provided semi-interactively -- otherwise, a candidate could just post-date their datestamp to give a false impression of rapid creation.
When he heard the name of the false prophet, he bowed and took me by the hand, and placed me by his side.
The question mark at the end of the method name means that the method is testing for something and will return True or False.
The case for the name of the Boolean object is important because true (and false) is undefined.
Words are separated by hyphens, and the function's name ends with a question mark, indicating it is a predicate in that it returns true or false.
单词均以连字符分隔,并且此函数的名字是以一个问号结尾的,用以表示此函数是一个断言,因它会返回true或 false。
In December 2008, in a London court, '80s pop star Boy George, whose real name is George AlanO 'dowd, was convicted of the assault and false imprisonment of Audun Carlsen.
在2008年12月伦敦法庭上,80年代的超级巨星乔治男孩因袭击和非法拘禁Audun Carlsen被判有罪,他的真名叫GeorgeAlanO'Dowd。
In this example, you have promoted the property with a group name of Audit, an alias of enabled, and a default value of false.
Enter the name of the group to be used (approvers, in this example), and select false from the drop down list for the IncludeSubgroups property.
Host USES NIS or Name Server: false.
This name is a mockery for the worship of the false god, Baal, in the Old Testament.
With one argument or if the second argument is false, the extension of the file name is omitted.
When registering for a User Name, you agree that you will use only accurate and truthful information about yourself and you will not imitate any other person or assume a false identity.
When registering for a User Name, you agree that you will use only accurate and truthful information about yourself and you will not imitate any other person or assume a false identity.
If part of the information, such as name and gender, is false, please please contact the invigilator.
You agree to and must use your own name and email address in the sign-up process and may not assume a false identity.
You agree to and must use your own name and email address in the sign-up process and may not assume a false identity.