Many Chinese sites host Sherlock fan-fiction depicting Holmes and Watson as a couple.
Many Chinese sites host Sherlock fan-fiction depicting Holmes and Watson as a couple.
Nor did the surveys distinguish between those who read the complete works of Proust or Dickens and those who read one Nora Roberts novel or a single piece of fan fiction on the Internet.
Walt says he hadn't heard of the book, though as a science-fiction fan he's eager to read it.
But the most popular fan fiction is about Harry Potter by a wide margin, followed by Twilight.
As a science fiction writer who began as a fan, I do not use my fiction asa disguised way to criticize the reality of the present.
In some ways, Hollywood has taken on the role of fan fiction writers, by expanding and exploring every corner of its fictional universes.
Sheldon is an obsessive fan of comic books and science fiction.
Even before the contest, it's common for fans to write and post TVC scripts for their idols online, so this culture of fan fiction already existed.
By paying more attention to both historical truth and arts fiction, Kong Shangren integrated historical truth with arts fiction perfectly in "Peach Blossom Fan".
All around the world, fans express their love for the show by writing fan fiction, creating manga books, setting up websites and filling discussion forums.
There are numerous Chinese sites that host Sherlock fan fiction, depicting the detectives as a couple.
"It's more like sneaking a peek at her unfinished notes or finding a fetching piece of fan fiction, " she said.
I'd completely closed the loop between being the science fiction fan, you know, as a kid, and doing this stuff for real.
Shipping often takes the form of creative works, including fan fiction and fan art, most often published on the internet.
Jacob: I will, 'cause I write Stargate fan fiction; this is my bread and butter, man!
Tell it to a science-fiction and fantasy fan, and he'll ask why you're making minor alterations to the plot of The Matrix or Superman Returns.
Helena petrovna blavatsky founder of the theosophic al society was a huge bulwer-lytton fan and may have decided he was presenting true facts disguised as fiction.
Helena petrovna blavatsky founder of the theosophical society was a huge bulwer-lytton fan and may have decided he was presenting true facts disguised as fiction.
I took the liberty of adapting a Star Trek fan fiction novella I wrote when I was 10, into a one act play.
I've seen some hilarious pictures of Daniel and I on my brother's screensaver on his phone and you don't want to go anywhere near that sort of fan fiction.
She played a leading role in Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, produced by Wendi Deng in 2011, and starred in the 2012 science-fiction action movie Resident Evil: Retribution.
She played a leading role in Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, produced by Wendi Deng in 2011, and starred in the 2012 science-fiction action movie Resident Evil: Retribution.