In reality the bell does not exist; it is only a fancy that people have taken into their heads!
Do you fancy that she has any desire to float on the water and take dives?
If you don't fancy that, try a slice of wholemeal toast with scrambled eggs.
He who has traveled far and seen much is apt to fancy that he has lived long.
I fancy that Strickland saw vaguely some spiritual meaning in material things.
I even had an alarming fancy that Estella and I might presently begin to decay.
There are also other prevailing ideas held by the fancy that has no basis in their standard.
Where is the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started?
Thus they fancy that in error they possess truth; in darkness, light; in ignorance, right knowledge.
You can have a bath in the lip, or rotate it around to give you a shower cabinet if you fancy that instead.
He kissed her with her unconscious. she didn't know what to do, so she cursed him. that man was embarrassed:"fancy that you are so evil hearted".
His praise will make the fancy that you don't aware of ego up wear a hat, probably can likewise persuade you wear it attendant additional situations.
He fancy that he became a English's superior, and could tell with oral English as well as used his mother tongue when he went out the university after four years.
I fancy that as to his nature and as to his mind he is so, and that but for the supernal criticism, but for his soul, he might be that kind of man in very act and deed.
Let me beable to fancy that a better knowledge of my heart, and of my presentfeelings, will draw from her a more spontaneous, more natural, moregentle, less dignified, forgiveness.
This doll is my carefully selected, to a lot of shops only a fancy that I was favored by "little rabbit" the dolls are half a person high, work is not only realistic and very loved.
Sometimes she could fancy that he talked less than on former occasions, and once or twice pleased herself with the notion that as he looked at her, he was trying to trace a resemblance.
Then a faint moan came sighing through the branches of the forest and the boys felt a fleeting breath upon their cheeks, and shuddered with the fancy that the Spirit of the Night had gone by.
Any veteran nicotine addict will testify that fancy packaging plays no role in the decision to keep smoking.
It's little more than a fancy small-scale version of a Scientology e-meter, a gadget that picks up on noise in the environment.
But the phrase "penny paper" caught the public's fancy, and soon there would be papers that did indeed sell for only a penny.
Others elevate the egg into a fancy art, like the heavily jewel-covered "eggs" that were favored by the Russians starting in the 19th century.
Fancy his surprise when he noticed that these eyes moved and then stared fixedly at him.
Fancy how he felt when he noticed that overnight those two dainty organs had become as long as shoe brushes!
Ultimately that is just a fancy way of saying that leadership offers no easy answers.
Fancy his doing that sort of thing and then having the nerve to talk about it!
A real angel, sporting fancy wings that sparkle bright as snow, a heart in the shape of a Star of David, et cetera, et cetera.
A real angel, sporting fancy wings that sparkle bright as snow, a heart in the shape of a Star of David, et cetera, et cetera.