A ratio of less red and to more far-red light would cause a reaction from the plant.
The plant on top would absorb most of the red light for photosynthesis, but reflect most of the far-red light.
Plants absorb most of the red light that hits them, but plants only absorb some of the far-red light that hits them.
Some biologists hypothesize that a plant will stop growing if it's in the shade of another plant, a reaction that's triggered when it senses an unusual ratio of red light to far-red light.
The thunder sounded far to the east, moving from them in its red wreaths of light.
At dawn, with the light, we look far away in to the red clouds, and is ready for a new day in life.
The phytochrome molecule is the photoreceptor used by plants to sense environmental red and far-red light changes, which are vital to direct growth and development.
The researchers - who no doubt spent far too much time inside - used a combination of red, blue, green and white LEDs to replicate the full light spectrum.
The researchers - who no doubt spent far too much time inside - used a combination of red, blue, green and white LEDs to replicate the full light spectrum.