Some of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt fulfilled by people drawn from far afield, but some local people certainly became entwined in this new economy.
Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith.
Let's come back to the topic. Your remarks are far afield.
Once he starts talking, he will go far afield from his original topic.
Some of the materials they used came from as far afield as Burma and the far East.
The local shops have all sorts of decorating materials - there's no need for us to go far afield.
Thanks to the obliterated wall, Ms Wrase now takes her camera as far afield as Italy and Portugal.
The quake was felt far afield, including in the Southern Alps, where great chunks of a glacier fell.
Fishermen from as far afield as Germany trekked to this lake hoping to hook a fish the size of a family dog.
But after a flurry of phone calls, performers arrived from as far afield as Brazil, Cambodia, Cuba, and Africa.
He says eating Chinese food became a way for assimilating Jews to embrace the exotic without going too far afield.
His reputation is well known around the world and his works can be seen as far afield as Frankfurt, Paris and even Dallas, U. S. a.
I get e-mails from as far afield as Australia and theUnitedStates. I get more inquiries about dog collars every weekthan I doabout the museum.
More than 600 flights were cancelled and about 70, 000 passengers were left stranded in cities as far afield as Los Angeles, London and Bangkok.
I get e-mails from as far afield as Australia and the United States. I get more inquiries about dog collars every week than I do about the museum.
I get emails from as far afield as Australia and the United States. I get more inquiries about dog collars every week than I do about the museum.
The dam will, it is hoped, generate enough power for all Tajikistan’s needs and have plenty over to export as far afield as Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The dam will, it is hoped, generate enough power for all Tajikistan's needs and have plenty over to export as far afield as Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The success of the scheme is being keenly followed by coastal-defense experts as far afield as Russia, the Netherlands, and Britain, Ms. Zambardi says.
Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood.
Drogon hunted far afield, but when he was sated he liked to bask in the sun at the apex of the Great Pyramid, where once the harpy of Meereen had stood.