There are some terrific programs out there, but they're still too far and few between.
My house used to be crowded with visitors, but now visitors are few and far between.
Before the nineteen century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between.
Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between.
Teachers with a multicultural background or training could perhaps overcome such curriculum challenges, but they're few and far between.
Charging stations are few and far between, repair shops are hard to find and the cars are costly.
Arctic voyages arelucrative, in demand, and relatively safe (pirates are few and far between in Baffin Bay).
If you wait for inspiration to slap you in the face, your work sessions will be few and far between.
That didn't matter so much 20 years ago when personal computers were few and far between, but times have changed.
If possible, get out into the country where streetlights and neon signs are few and far between. Just be sure to pack a flashlight for navigating your gear in the dark.
Football has always been a simple, intuitively understood game, with exceptions to that few and far between.
Pampered middle-class kids are few and far between on the Doddington estate in south London, a public housing complex known locally for knife crime and dogfights.
Unlike law enforcement agencies, however, piracy profiteers play by no rules, and arrests and convictions are few and far between.
The truth is, we are in the early days of microblogging and even writing to the web. Corporate policies are few and far between.
However, if you continue to surround yourself with positive and motivational things, those days will be few and far between.
But previous sightings and sound recordings closer to the surface suggested that the sperm whales are relatively few and far between.
The applications that need to know much, if anything, about their host hardware are few and far between.
There's a bigger problem — electric cars still remain few and far between, while there are already millions of U.S. vehicles on the road that can run on an ethanol blend.
Good roles are few and far between, and their paychecks are usually smaller than their male co-stars'.
The reason behind this is that similarities in the two models are few and far between.
The Norwegian Lundehund is one of the rarest breeds in the world, and with so many unique characteristics, it's no surprise that these guys are few and far between.
The Movie: Genuinely terrifying horror films are few and far between these days, with a reliance on cheap jumps and fake scares seeming to take precedence over set-ups of genuine menace.
Why are online solutions to help us with our real-world social needs so few and far between?
But successes have been few and far between so far, so Apple may be trying to help digital magazines by building in a template to the code.
But successes have been few and far between so far, so Apple may be trying to help digital magazines by building in a template to the code.