Far more than ever before, I'm vaguely aware of a huge number of people, some of whom I "know" and some I don't "know," and although that sounds overwhelming, it makes my life warmer and richer.
While he appreciates his family more than ever, he is the same workaholic with the same drive that got him this far.
She said that although there are far more materials to choose from than ever before, the basic methods she used to restore "the Actor" were decades old.
While his tone and interests seemed shockingly familiar to me even after all those years, within days I learned far more about him than I ever had lying next to him in bed.
Involving far more kinds of expertise—and more moving parts—than I’ve ever had to assemble before.
In fact, the use of an index for sort avoidance is a key way to improve the performance of SQL that qualifies far more rows than will actually ever be FETCHed.
The result: it is undeniable that, ever since the Fed was visited upon us in 1914, our inflations have been more intense, and our depressions far deeper, than ever before.
There are far more foreigners working in Copenhagen than ever before, a result of more and more companies employing foreigners and even making their official business language English.
Wales: I think it is already generally used and accepted far more in academia than any conventional encyclopedia ever was.
With jets able to carry more people and move them far faster than ever before, airlines found themselves with lots of seats to sell.
A: Technologies such as those involved in food production, farming and food processing, allow people to ingest more calorically-dense food than ever before in far greater amounts.
As far as equipment for hauling kids goes, parents have more options than ever, with seat attachments, front loading seats, trailers, and the multitude of DIY jobs I see everyday in Portland.
Your life is worth far more than you think, and by learning to love others with the love God gives you, you will have an influence far greater than you could ever imagine.
Arabs know far more than they ever used to about the world and about each other, thanks to a transformation in the region's media spearheaded by satellite television.
Once you make it this far, you'll have some serious momentum going. You will understand more than you ever did in school and you won't want to stop.
And yet, we are far more complex than any piece of furniture or computer program we have ever had to put together or install.
Scientists have rigorously analysed old instruments, revealing far more about their physical properties than their makers ever knew.
My 30/30/30/10 business model is not the most conventional one you’ll ever see; and truth be told, most days it’s more of a far-reaching ideal than a reality.
Microsoft has called the group part of “the biggest software counterfeiting organization we have ever seen, by far” and estimated its global sales at more than $2 billion.
If Microsoft's Red Ring of Death debacle has taught us anything, it's that technology is far more ephemeral now than it's ever been.
Of course all of that would require far more adoption of a technology like Yawnlog than is ever going to happen, but we do like to fantasize.
Showing up for my partner, and our marriage, as my best self matters far more now than it ever did before.
For one thing, the professional fighting force is far more effective and efficient than any conscript force could ever be.
I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped.
As for fathers, those with a job and a college degree spend far more time with their children than fathers ever used to, and 105% more time than their less-educated male peers.
I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped.
I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped.