College graduates will still fare better than those with only a high school education, of course.
Small vendors will fare better than large ones.
Most researchers agree that college graduates, even in rough economies, generally fare better than individuals with only high-school diplomas.
"Being well above the bottom is a source of satisfaction, " the CBO report concludes. "But when those at the upper end of the distribution fare better than (you) do, it is a source of consternation."
If liquidity dries up, art is unlikely to fare any better than stocks or bonds.
Employees at times fare little better than the environment.
The division throws up some interesting contrasts: whereas Venezuelans are better off than Peruvians and Colombians by the first category of indicators, they fare much worse in the second.
They expect parents from countries with greater support systems than the U.S. to fare better, but don't want to make that assumption until their research is complete.
However, dogs eating nutritional yeast and/or garlic did seem to fare somewhat better than the rest of the dogs in the survey.
British pupils fare relatively well in science, performing better than the OECD average, but in reading and mathematics they are mediocre.
However, patients with CD in remission fare much better than those with persistence of hypercortisolism, and they appear not to have an increased mortality rate.
Without the consent and engagement of Barack Obama and the parties' leaders in Congress, the latest deficit buster will fare no better than the first three.
A recent survey highlighted the fact that women tend to fare much better than men after divorce.
Obese individuals who are otherwise healthy may fare just as well as, or perhaps in the case of stroke, better than their lean counterparts.
Scientists don't yet know why wild elephants seem to fare so much better than their zoo-raised counterparts.
Her partner, Charlene did not fare any better. Charlene had "panda eyes" and looked more tired than Gillian.
She thought she'd fare a lot better with the new company, but it turned out to be no better than the last one.
However, in general, they tend to fare better when short-term interest rates are low rather than high.
However, in general, they tend to fare better when short-term interest rates are low rather than high.