An obvious solution is to use a processor with a faster clock rate, but for any given technology there exists a physical limit where the clock simply can't go any faster.
In deep submicron era, IC design in physical design has more and more challenge, with the increasing design scale, faster clock frequency and minimizing process dimension.
If the rivers run faster in the future on average, the clock will get ahead of standard time.
For years, processor makers consistently delivered increases in clock rates and instruction-level parallelism, so that single-threaded code executed faster on newer processors with no modification.
Fox looked at the clock and painted faster.
Gallium arsenide switches ten times faster than silicon all of a sudden, I've got a clock speed ten times faster with no change in design.
It turns out that when our internal clock is ticking faster, we don't just perceive the external world as moving slower - we can actually remember more about it.
The world's clock has sped up: Nations around the globe are reinventing themselves at a faster and faster pace.
Many software companies, accustomed to better performance from ever-faster chip clock speeds, are struggling to adapt to the multicore approach, but it suits Google just fine.
Using multinomial radix, the modular square will be finished in one period of the clock, which is faster than using the point multiplication directly.
The high frequency clock allows for a greater sampling rate, which results in higher accuracy and faster signal processing capability .
The misunderstanding moving clock runs faster is explained with the true meaning of moving clock running slower and time dilation.
The high frequency clock allows for a greater sampling rate, which results in higher accuracy and faster signal processing capability.
Pendulum clocks showed the hours more exactly than earlier clocks, since the weight on the pendulum could be moved up or down to make the clock to go faster or slower.
Pendulum clocks showed the hours more exactly than earlier clocks, since the weight on the pendulum could be moved up or down to make the clock to go faster or slower.