With height and weight measurement thickness of fat in biceps get by this method can obtain total content of body fat by statistical regressive method.
Content of body fat of a human being is an important parameter of anthropometry. Reasonable control of body fat content is important for one's health.
But the fat content of the body may be of equal importance, because it determines your buoyancy and the amount of energy you must expend to simply stay on the surface of the water.
By sampling the thickness of skinfolds at selected sites on the body, it is possible to estimate the body's overall fat content.
The differences in body composition were small except that the body fat content of fish fed with rice starch was relatively lower than those fed with corn starch or wheat starch.
Note that food sugar, fat and protein percentage, pay attention to the body of essential nutrients such as vitamin content.
Methods the changes of body weight, body fat, and content of NO and activity of NOS in the hippocampus before and after acupuncture were observed.
Oil contains a large amount of calories and fat, edible excessive, body fat content will also increase.
Body fat content of macrosomias under 3 years is higher than that in full-term infants.
ResultsAfter the 3-course treatment, the obesity sufferers' indexes of body weight, BMI, fat degree, symptom, kummerbund, the content of fat in visceras and subcutaneous (VFA & FAT) etc.
ResultsAfter the 3-course treatment, the obesity sufferers' indexes of body weight, BMI, fat degree, symptom, kummerbund, the content of fat in visceras and subcutaneous (VFA & FAT) etc.