Based on the fatigue cumulative damage models, a damage evolution equation for flexural fatigue of SFRPC slabs is set up.
In this dissertation, the theory which is known of concrete structure fatigue cumulative damage and damage detection is narrated.
The main classic fatigue cumulative damage theories and the representative definitions of damage variable have been introduced briefly.
Fatigue reliability interference model is established based on fuzzy cumulative damage of components, then general formula and simulation methods of fuzzy reliability estimation are derived.
Therefore, the distribution configuration of the fatigue damage threshold is the same as the distribution configuration of lineal cumulative damage.
The fatigue damage cumulative rule plays a key role on the structure design against fatigue.
The linear fatigue of the jacket structure was evaluated by using wave spectrum analysis theory and theory of linear cumulative damage.
But the common linear fatigue damage cumulative rule neglects the fatigue damage which is brought by the high frequency and low stress.
The cumulative damage of the steel structure occurred by overload, fatigue and other reasons in service may deteriorate the safety of the structure seriously.
By using the nonlinear cumulative fatigue damage model considering the influence of the fatigue limit and the cyclic stress amplitude, the remaining life formula of the.
A cumulative damage model is proposed, which can be used to consider the influence of in plane bi-axial stresses and mean stress on the fatigue behavior of unidirectional laminates.
The damage variable is defined as the residual strain of concrete under constant amplitude fatigue loading, and the law of cumulative damage and its evolution are obtained.
The advantages and disadvantages of the fatigue damage cumulative rules are discussed.
The fatigue life and cumulative damage of ammunition feeding spring in automatic naval gun of medium calibre have been analysed.
Finally, the methods for calculating fatigue life based on fracture mechanics for welded node and cumulative damage theory for bolted sphere node respectively have been presented.
So it will result in error when calculating the fatigue life, and it is significant to study on the variable fatigue life and the cumulative damage theories.
Taking into account of the effect of loading history, a new nonlinear cumulative damage model is established and the steps to predict remaining fatigue life with the model is given.
The initial damage and the cumulative damage during operation are quantitatively measured with the main fatigue crack length in the structure.
Fatigue damage cumulative rule after calendar corrosive environment is crucial for determining calendar life of aircraft structure.
Fatigue damage cumulative rule after calendar corrosive environment is crucial for determining calendar life of aircraft structure.