Number of failure cycles is calculated depending on fatigue life prediction equation based on the energy analysis.
In some cases, the continuous distribution model of fatigue failure life and stress amplitude level is more valuable in analyzing the damage of ponogena under complicated stress.
Heat fatigue failure mechanism of the die casting dies during the process of die casting were analyzed, and the influence of optimizing process control on die life of die casting were discussed.
Due to structure peculiarity, design principle, failure form and worn examples, pointed a better method to delay fatigue life of gear surface.
The fatigue break down is the main form of die failure. To improve the use life of dies, an approach for increasing fatigue resistance of die material is reviewed.
Through analysis and fatigue test research to the super - void - water pressure, there is a new cognition that is the failure form and the influence in life of pavement structure by void - water.
The relationship between absorbed failure energy and fatigue life is established and analyzed.
Failure diagnosis of disc spring in transmission of scraper Model CL7 and bench life test for its fatigue life are introduced. Improvement measures in increasing its fatigue life are proposed.
In response to the complexity of calculation for failure probability regarding fatigue crack growth life, a method for reliability analysis based on neural network response surface was presented.
The coiled tubing in a cyclical fatigue loads to work, it is susceptible to fatigue damage caused by a continuous failure, result in shorten life of a coiled tubing.
Found non-linear fatigue damage equation and fatigue failure criterion of concrete under variable amplitude load, and analyze the influence of loading sequence on total fatigue life;
Also it reduces suck rod fatigue failure to prolong working life.
Fatigue life (Nf). The total number of stress cycles that will cause a fatigue failure at some specified stress amplitude.
The failure mechanism of a roll shell in continuous roll casting is discussed and a formula for predicting its fatigue life is established.
Fatigue life prediction from the initial crack size to failure based on long crack propagation at different zones of welded joint was made by using j.
Used as a fatigue failure criterion, application of the model to the fatigue life prediction for the feeding spring of a medium calibre automatic naval gun proved to be comparatively satisfactory.
The failure modes of the coatings can be predicted if the contact stress and the fatigue life are designated. And the prediction accuracy of the failure mode is above 65%.
The failure modes of the coatings can be predicted if the contact stress and the fatigue life are designated. And the prediction accuracy of the failure mode is above 65%.