Methods The GC-MS method was applied for analysis the fatty oils.
方法采用气相色谱-质谱(GC -MS)分析法对藏药波棱瓜子脂肪油成分进行分析。
Fatty oils(3897%)from linseed were obtained by chemical extraction.
Objective: To investigate the influence of different processing methods on fatty oils in yolk oil.
It has become an important way today by changing fatty oils of nutrition components through genetic method.
When the natural fatty oils are in abundant supply, they still can be used as substitutes of industrial fatty oils.
When the natural fatty oils are in short supply, the paraffin oxidation products can be used to produce various washing commodities.
CONCLUSION the fatty oils are related to the preventive and therapeutic actions towards cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which may be related to the antitumor acti...
Keep trans fatty acid consumption as low as possible by limiting foods that contain synthetic sources of trans fats, such as partially hydrogenated oils, and by limiting other solid fats.
Mekary said all oils are either rich in monounsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids.
This fat comes from beef, chicken, fish, cooking oils, dairy products, etc. The answer is to avoid these fatty foods.
These are important nutrients, but for essential fatty acids, there is no doubt that fish oils are the star.
Processed vegetable oils and transfats are rich in Omega-6 fatty acids.
In addition to butanol, the bacteria can produce various useful fatty acids that existing processes derive from plant and animal oils.
Ozone is quick to react with a few ingredients in human skin oils, including certain fatty acids and especially a substance called squalene.
With omega-3 rich fish and flaxseed oils now common in grocery and drug store supplement sections, maintaining a diet replete in these crucial fatty acids is not as hard as it once was.
Low intake of omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon and vegetable oils, may be associated with a greater risk of depression.
Fish oils provide an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids.
鱼油是omega -3脂肪酸的一个极好的来源。
Although there have been hundreds of studies and research on the health benefits of fish oils and omega 3 fatty acids, there are few actual studies on the side effects from fish oil.
虽然已有数以百计的关于鱼油及omega -3脂肪酸对健康好处的研究及报道,但却很少有针对其副作用的实际研究。
Safflower or Sunflower Oil:Omega-3s get a lot more talk, but omega-6 fatty acids - like the linoleic acid in these two oils - are also important for healthy skin.
红花或向日葵籽油:我们已经说了很多ω- 3脂肪酸,但是还有一种ω - 6脂肪酸——就像红花油和向日葵籽油中的亚麻油酸对健康的皮肤也是很重要的。
Omega-3 fatty acids are prevalent in fatty fish (salmon, sardines and herring) and flaxseed, while omega-6 fats come from sources like margarine and oils made from corn and soybeans.
omega - 3脂肪酸普遍存在于肥腻的鱼类(三文鱼、沙丁鱼和鲱鱼)和亚麻籽中,而omega - 6脂肪酸则来源于玉米和大豆制成的人造奶油。
Two scientists have recently suggested that omega -3 fatty acids (found in some fish and fish oils) play a key role in mental health.
两名学者最近指出omega -3脂肪酸(它在一些鱼类以及鱼油中被发现)在精神健康方面有很重要的作用。
A saturated fatty acid; glycerides of palmitic acid occur widely in plant and animal oils and fats.
Methods The main fatty acid in vegetable oils was determined using GC - MS and qualitative test of oils was done using national standard method.
The unintended consequence of greatest concern is that fats and oils high in saturated fats, instead of the healthier unsaturated fats, might be used to replace fats and oils with trans fatty acids.
Biodiesel, fatty acid alkyl ester, is made from renewable bioenergy such as vegetable oils and animal fats.
The results showed that the oxidative stability of fats and oils were effected by the temperature, unsaturation of fatty acid, antioxidant and enhancer.
The formation of trans fatty acids during edible oils hydrogenation and the measures of reducing the TFA content in edible oils were described.
Biodiesel fuel, as a renewable energy and pro-environmental energy, can be produced by the transesterification reaction of vegetable oils or fatty acids with short chain alcohols.
Biodiesel fuel, as a renewable energy and pro-environmental energy, can be produced by the transesterification reaction of vegetable oils or fatty acids with short chain alcohols.