Although I've lived blocks from a major fault line for more than 12 years, I still haven't bolted our bookcases to the living room wall.
Sevilgen says that whenever there is a large earthquake, there is a big change in stress along the fault line.
The planet's real fault line is between elites and the middle class in some countries, and the bottom of the pyramid, everywhere.
Fortunately, he says, by measuring the speed of the Enriquillo fault line, his team has made substantial progress in Caribbean geophysics.
The severity of the September quake, along a fault line previously unknown to seismologists, had been a shock.
September’s quake, along a previously unknown fault line, had unnerved locals. How and where to rebuild are now big questions.
September's quake, along a previously unknown fault line, had unnerved locals.How and where to rebuild are now big questions.
September's quake, along a previously unknown fault line, had unnerved locals. How and where to rebuild are now big questions.
In 1999 the deadly Izmit earthquake in Turkey was followed a short time later by the Duzje earthquake to the east along the same fault line, and we believe they were related through stress.
On June 23rd a leading seismologist described one of Fukui's reactors, Tsuraga-1, as particularly dangerous because it is old and close to a fault line.
The pressure can cause a slippage in a pre-existing fault line, aggravating the situation that can lead to an earthquake.
Barroso did not address the other fault line in the negotiations towards a climate change deal at Copenhagen: who will pay to protect the poorest countries that will bear the brunt of climate change.
Japan's prime minister, Naoto Kan, demanded a temporary shutdown of the power plant at Hamaoka, an ageing facility near a tectonic fault line.
The high level of saving by German firms contributes to this handsome surplus and masks a worrying fault line running through the euro area.
The terrifying prospect remains of more ruptures along the same fault-line that produced the 2004 Asian tsunami.
The IE 8 team is in the process of making a decision that lies perfectly, exactly, precisely on the fault line smack in the middle of two different ways of looking at the world.
Budapest has ruthlessly exploited its situation on a geographical fault line: 120 hot springs feed numerous pools and baths across the city.
A fault line of anger and distrust crossed his forehead.
There is an earthquake fault line across the north of the country from west to east.
The fault line between them was drawn by the ability of power to satisfy its whims and ignore the consequences.
The world is in a situation akin to sitting at the fault line between two tectonic plates straining against each other.
The largest earthen dam in the U.S., it was constructed on an active fault line in the 1950s and filled in 1968.
Based on the traveling wave, double ended approach only deals with the first transient traveling wave reaching the two buses of the fault line.
The spokeswoman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Lara Uselding, said the utility has not found evidence that the newly discovered fault line would pose a risk to the plant.
核电厂的抗震级别是按照3英里外的断层带设计的,而在近几年,美国地质局在离核电厂不足1英里处发现了新的断层带。 NRC发言人称核电厂尚未发现有证据能表明新发现的断层带会给核电厂带来风险。
The spokeswoman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Lara Uselding, said the utility has not found evidence that the newly discovered fault line would pose a risk to the plant.
核电厂的抗震级别是按照3英里外的断层带设计的,而在近几年,美国地质局在离核电厂不足1英里处发现了新的断层带。 NRC发言人称核电厂尚未发现有证据能表明新发现的断层带会给核电厂带来风险。