Based on the analysis of the concept of distributed system and fault-tolerance, a distributed fault-tolerance system software designed and implemented by the writers is mainly introduced in the paper.
Also, the system had to run around the clock, so we wanted hot standby, replication, and other availability and fault tolerance features.
Based on the model, the further research of fault tolerance on distributed computing cluster system is available.
NVFT (N Version Fault Tolerance) is the first dissimilar computer system in China that directed by the author.
Computer simulation results show that, the precision and fault tolerance of the integrated navigation system are improved greatly, compared with the pure GFSINS.
The test results indicate that the metadata fault tolerance system can examine different failure in the fault injection, and it can do the system and application's switch and come back.
The main works done by the author are listed below: the essentials of real-time and fault-tolerance in the distributed system are analyzed, and the necessity of their fusion is pointed out.
The system implements the HLA functions with grid technologies that enable the features of resources sharing, dynamic allocation of resources, strong security, and good fault tolerance.
The fault probability, the degree of fault tolerance and problem of reliabilty in the fault tolerant control system are analyzed in the view of statistics.
A protocol is put forward, which can support crash-recovery model, make seamless fault - tolerance, and achieve the Consistency of multiple replicas in asynchronous system.
Experimental results show that software system reliability thus can be remarkably enhanced by combining the software testing approach with software fault tolerance technologies.
Checkpoint is an important means to implement fault-tolerance in parallel system. Synchronous checkpointing method has been widely used in network of workstation system.
Redundancy design technology and distributed shared memory strategy is used to enhance the reliability and fault-tolerance capability of the whole system.
Redundancy design technology and distributed Shared memory strategy were used to enhance the reliability and fault-tolerance capability of the whole system.
Redundancy design technology and distributed Shared memory strategy are used to enhance the reliability and fault-tolerance capability of the whole system.
The perfect network backup system should be added the software backup which based on the hardware fault tolerance system, and can backup the data of the whole network flat automatically.
Data consistency is achieved by Shared RAID and the switch between different application modules and fault tolerance capability of the database system are also realized.
In this paper, the reliability of a fault-tolerance computer system is evaluated by Markov status graph.
The hardware design mainly finishes the fault avoiding design in the master while the software design has a function of fault-tolerance, which improved the reliability and usability of the system.
It is necessary to adopt dual fault tolerance system to ensure the safe run of the system and prevent the lost of the data.
Test results show that the proposed double-objective detection system can monitor and identify accurately a driver's alert level with high fault tolerance provided.
The system extremely builds up stabilization, fault tolerance and anti-attack capability.
The Synchronization of the redundance computers is a critical technique for the fault tolerance computer system.
For contributions to practical and theoretical foundations of programming language and system design, especially related to data abstraction, fault tolerance, and distributed computing.
In distributed systems, the application of process migration has improved system load balancing and realized efficient fault tolerance.
As a storage application, distributed system must have fault tolerance-recovery capability.
So object cache must solve problems in system scalability, data integrity, data consistency and data fault tolerance etc.
After analyzing the main modes of the duplicated fault tolerance system currently, the author gives readers new duplicated fault tolerance system based on "layer" mode.
This method has been applied in financial network system of post. It has the characters of high reliability and fault tolerance.
The sensor failure of electric power-steering (EPS) system damages vehicle reliability and safety seriously. The research of fault-tolerance control technology of EPS has important application value.