Detailed analyses of satellite images and field investigation have revealed that the active Kaidu River fault zone on the southern margin of the basin is a strike-slip fault zone.
The structural style found in the basin includes imbricated thrust zone, trapdoor structure, drag fold, listric fault, rollover anticline, horst-graben structure and the like.
Hefei basin is a Mz-Cz residual basin generated from common action by Dabie orogen and Tanlu (TanchengLujiang) fault zone.
The normal fault zone with NEE trending are cut by some NNW faults with left-lateral dislocation in the north of the basin.
Weibei basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin developed in the Tanlu fault zone.
The overthrust fault zone and foreland basin in Southwestern Tarim is favorable areas for petroleum exploration. But the research and exploration degree here are still low.
Tertiary pull apart basin named Laolongwan basin was found in the Haiyuan fault zone.
The Fangxian basin of Cenozoic era of south Qinling is a pull-apart basin at the southeastern end of the Ankang-Zhushan-Fangxian NW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault zone.
Depositional characteristics of the Hefei basin indicated a good coupling with evolution of the Tan-Lu fault zone to the east of the basin.
Hefei basin, closely near to the west of Tan-lu fault, is a Mes-Cenozoic compound superposition basin. Its generation and evolution have a close relationship with the activities of Tan-lu fault zone.
The Kebai fault zone is one of most prolific areas in Junggar Basin. But its oil source is still poorly understood.
Meticulous depiction of internal structure of fault zone inside basin is great significant in analysis the role of fault in the oil and gas migration and accumulation.
The Yumen fault, as a part of the northern Qilianshan fault zone, is a branch of the south-margin fault of the Jiuquan basin and also the boundary of the second-order structural element in this basin.
A Tertiary pull apart basin named Laolongwan basin was found in the Haiyuan fault zone.
A Tertiary pull apart basin named Laolongwan basin was found in the Haiyuan fault zone.