If a fault has a vertical fault plane. How do we determine its hanging wall and footwall?
Geological and various geophysical data indicate that the fault plane is inclined to the south.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane it is a strike slip fault.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane, it is a strike slip fault.
The inhomogeneous distribution of strength in fault plane plays an important role in seismic generation, occurrence and removal.
Layer thickness, faulting velocity, lithology changes, distance from the fault plane, and so on, had some control on fracture evolution.
The fault plane of micro-drill is measured with microscope. According to the result of test, the main elements of destroying drill is investigated.
The exercise simulated an emergency rescue flight at takeoff clearance during take-off because of interruption of fault plane, plane off the runway.
According to focal mechanism, the directions of main press stress of the two are NNW in the seismic area but the fault plane solutions are different.
The time-space distribution of vertical seal in Shurennouer Fault was analyzed, according to the fault plane pressure and mudstone content of fault zone.
The numeric calculation of the tide-effective shear stress on the seismic fault plane is a key to the application in the load-unload response ratio theory.
Fault plane divides faulted rock into two blocks. The block above the fault plane is called hanging wall; the block below the fault plane is named footwall.
Dynamic stress is caused by the radiation of seismic wave, so the dynamic stress is transient. The time that acted on fault plane in the vicinity is limited.
In this paper, a method is proposed such that the strike, dip, dipping direction and fracture length of a fault plane can be determined using of isoseismal lines.
It is suggested that on the same seismotectonic zone, the directions of principal compressional stress of fault plane solution of small earthquakes are consistent.
The aftershocks were distributed on (or near) the fault plane and were triggered by the stress redistribution in the medium in the nearby region of the fault plane.
The changes on static stress, acquired according to the half-space elastic dislocation theory, can exist on fault plane for a long time until the next strong earthquake.
In the condition of the same medium strength, the relative expression between source linear dimension and magnitude is derived in the case of different fault plane width.
Texture of the reflection from fault plane shown in seismic profile can be divided into four type: (1) Spoon shaped, (2) Listric shaped, (3) Step shaped and (4) Scarp shaped.
Growth faults have special fault plane form in their initial phase during which the displacement of the two blocks creates two kinds of stress states pore belt and sealing belt.
The stitching pluton, intruded into main fault plane of collision zone, could be formed in syntectonic period and also in the period of subsequent collision, i. e. post collision.
From this, it has been inferred that the strike of the dislocating fault plane of the main shock is NWW. It seems to be a left lateral horizontal slip fault with high dipping Angle.
In this paper, we deducted the transform relation between seismic source parameters from seismic fault plane solution in double couple point source model and from the seismic moment.
We used formula of gravity anomalies of a 2d model, computed gravity anomalies with arbitrary Angle of the fault plane, depths to the top and bottom of the concealed fault structure.
Based on analysis of the change of rock movement induced by a fault, the influence of fault on rock movement is first represented by separation of fault plane and further propagation.
In compiling areal isopach of a basin from seismic horizon structure map, we can use the residual thickness at both sides of fault plane to show the horizontal distribution of a fault.
The strike, dip, dip angle and position of a fault can directly been gotten by GPR records profiles, but the method cannot be used to describe the features of the fillings in fault plane.
It is considered by analysis that the fault plane reflection relies on the mechanical attributes of infilling materials and is characteristics of band pass filter when infilling materials are fluids.
Other passengers said they too had smelt burning, but this had been traced to a minor electrical fault on the plane.
Other passengers said they too had smelt burning, but this had been traced to a minor electrical fault on the plane.