Though plenty of rain may fall on savanna during the year, for at least part of the year little does, creating the drought stress ultimately favoring grasses.
But they do pay for them, by favoring one vendor over another.
They wanted to prove that they can do it without the ref favoring them.
Countries that had larger gender gaps favoring boys included Tunisia and Korea.
We wanted that in the first place but were sure they'd attack us as favoring the rich.
Focus on clarity and minimize misunderstandings by favoring direct, concrete statements.
Focus on clarity and minimize misunderstandings by favoring direct, concrete statements.
Other employees see me favoring their peers over themselves and quickly become displeased.
You’ve heard that luck favors the well-prepared but what about luck favoring the tenacious?
Natural selection may just gust about, favoring different sets of genes from one year to the next.
Some plants even appear to be social, favoring family while pushing strangers from the neighborhood.
Instead of favoring one encoding, Ruby 1.9 makes it possible to work with data in over 80 encodings.
它不仅仅局限于选择一种编码,Ruby 1.9能够同时处理超过80种编码的数据。
The correlation ID could be used to let the integration solution proceed, favoring the updated entry.
I remember seeing it too but I never let it stop me from favoring a man and it shouldn't stop you either.
Roger also studies the TCO and importance of trust with the findings favoring Agile over traditional approaches.
As I said, Intel smiles, perhaps nervously, though, because the trend lines are favoring those ARM tablets and smart phones.
Moreover, I don't see a good argument for favoring health insurance bought through an employer over health insurance bought as an individual.
Now, you tell me: If Mulva is shutting in U.S. wells, are there any appreciable odds favoring the construction of Denali to the United States?
Now, you tell me: If Mulva is shutting in U. S. Wells, are there any appreciable odds favoring the construction of Denali to the United States?
No designer during New York Fashion Week approached the challenge of favoring ideas over merchandising with more madcap brio than Thom Browne did.
在纽约时装周期间,没有设计者著手处理支持关于用比Thom Browne更轻狂的生气推销商品的想法这一挑战。
The true last will of Joseph White, favoring his nephew Stephen, was safely in the office of the dead man’s lawyer. But Joe was unaware of this fact.
And I partly made up for missing out on a bond rally (5% annual return on long-term bonds) by favoring growth-oriented mutual funds over value funds.
And I partly made up for missing out on a bond rally (5% annual return on long-term bonds) by favoring growth-oriented mutual funds over value funds.