Take the fax from guest, check the fax No. , name, Rm. No. , country and area code are written on fax and make sure the original is in order.
Applicant (s) shall complete and fax this request Form to fax no. (852) 26601908. You will then be requested to provide original documents for verification.
There's no excuse for telling a partner you haven't received a fax someone sent you or missed a voice mail because you weren't in the office.
Xerox PARC invented the fax machine, the mouse, Ethernet, laser printers, and the concept of a “windowing” user interface, but made no money on the inventions.
No one was immediately available to answer the query - we were advised to fax the department our questions.
Sorry. There is no fax for you, I will call you as soon as it arrives.
They pay no utilities, have free access to the Internet on computers provided for them, along with fax machines, free cell and home phones and cable TV.
When faced with unforeseen expenses, no fax payday loan is a quick way of getting money the same day.
For protecting your right purpose, please make a room reservation by fax in advance. Please afford all information include company, account No. , Tel No.
On March 16, Guangming Management Bureau organize experts to select no more that 10 registered design institutes participating in this consultation, and notify such institutes by fax ore-mail.
I went to my desk and picked up a form. I wrote a fax of one word: NO.
Commercial letters, no matter it's a letter, mail or fax, represent the image of your company and reveals your company's level and power.
XXIX. Any Chinese employee is not allowed to provide secrets and internal materials and information for foreign companies and individuals. Without permission, no one is allowed to send a fax.
Thank you for your fax of... we were glad to know that the consignment was delivered promptly, but it was with great regret that we heard case no. 1-92 did not contain the goods you ordered.
感谢贵方x月x日的传真,货物能够按时抵达,非常高兴。得知所发1- 92号箱所装货物并非贵方所定货物,我方感到十分抱歉。
With the invention of telephone, fax machines and the Internet, communications are no longer limited by time and space.
We have received your fax of March 2 and noted that you have booked our order no. 123 for 4 sets of Model 790 Machine. Our confirmation of the order will be forwarded to you in a few days.
Thee sellers shall, 30 days before the shipment date specified in the contract advise the buyers by CABLE/TELEX/FAX of the contract No.
We have fax you today, asking you to make following amendments to L/C No. 256
The post office is located on the first floor of No. 1 building. There can handle mailing, sending the parcel and fax services.
The post office is located on the first floor of No. 1 building. There can handle mailing, sending the parcel and fax services.