He had developed a fearsome reputation for intimidating people.
The manticore is the most fearsome of Pandoran predators, and by the look, it might be the toughest carnivore in the known universe.
They were now over the fearsome island, flying so low that sometimes a tree grazed their feet.
It's a fearsome thing that our most enthusiastic member would not have had the temerity to call ornamental.
Through your hard work, you've freed a fearsome Wookiee.
Star Wars inspired spatula looks like the fearsome Darth Vader.
This understanding makes the fact of the death more fearsome.
The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard and a fearsome predator.
The fearsome ichthyosaur was one of the very earliest large sea predators.
Pyroclastic flows are some of the most fearsome hazards posed by erupting volcanoes.
His once fearsome body is so emaciated it is little more than a pitiful pile of fur and bones.
What made Tyson fearsome in the ring was not just his terrifying punching power but his speed.
The new data show "not an active or a fearsome predator, but one that has a really slow pace of life."
In the face of a fearsome job market and high graduate unemployment levels, postgraduate academia is booming.
We have a 5am start in complete darkness with a fearsome mountain chill - and the enemy of ballooning, rain.
I, like the students in Dead Poets Society, felt weighed down under the fearsome load of duty and obligation.
The ability of chemists to design and make these molecules is almost fearsome in its efficiency and versatility.
So why is nuclear radiation so fearsome, and what determines how we react when faced with a threat, imagined or real?
She said that she came to understand that instead she should go the other way and help the fearsome, but vulnerable fish.
But as each new country reveals itself I feel humbled by the beauty and fearsome architectural might of ideology and excess.
Possessing a muscular physique and 60 sharp, serrated teeth, the Komodo dragon is a giant animal with a fearsome reputation.
What the French called la nouvelle maladie DE la vigne (the new vine disease) back in the 1860s remains a fearsome adversary.
法国人所称的la nouvellemaladiedelavigne(新葡萄病)在19世纪60年代仍然是个令人害怕的敌人。
The manticore is the most fearsome of Pandoran predators, and by the look of it might be the toughest carnivore in the known universe.
Before the advent of black mamba antivenin, a bite from this fearsome serpent was 100 percent fatal, usually within about 20 minutes.
America is certainly losing clout in relative terms, but it will remain the world's most fearsome military power for a very long time.
At first glance it may look like a fearsome snake but this rearing creature is actually a small caterpillar with a cunning means of defence.
The midseason deals essentially converted Orlando from a defensive team to an offensive one, and a mighty fearsome offensive team at that.
The word was based, of course, on 'Godzilla', the name of a fearsome dinosaur-like monster originally created for a Japanese film in 1954.
And they remodeled Toothless into a fearsome all-black and leathery Night Fury that attacks the Viking village like a phantom in the dark.
And they remodeled Toothless into a fearsome all-black and leathery Night Fury that attacks the Viking village like a phantom in the dark.