Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape.
The first one is trivial, nearly featureless, and has no exception handling.
The products claim that a flat, featureless, continuous sound somehow encourages slumber.
The more featureless and commonplace a crime is , the more difficult is it to bring it home.
I was on this black, featureless plain, with dark clouds so low I wasn't even sure there was a sky.
Why is it that the featureless turnpikes and interstates are the routes of choice for so many of us?
The motion-capture data were used to animate a humanoid avatar that was featureless and gender-neutral.
Their impromptu routines were recorded on special 3D cameras and then transferred onto featureless computer characters.
But I guess for them it was a bit like being in a Twilight Zone episode, just being stuck in a featureless, well-lit room.
The school's main building is a two-story rectangle constructed from concrete and fieldstone in a featureless modern style.
Gnea and Bela were off to the right, along a section of curved, featureless wall just short of a second corridor terminus.
The soothing screen of a Sat Nav system shows roads as thin, abstract strips striding through a featureless grey emptiness.
How sea turtles navigate across vast expanses of featureless ocean to reach feeding and breeding sites has long been a mystery.
But there are private citizens who support graffiti, saying it's a welcome addition to otherwise dull and featureless streets.
A water truck wet down the street to give life and sheen to those surfaces which otherwise would have been murky, featureless blacks.
After a short time, the pools of light began to fade, and the holo-image of Korhal became a darker, featureless facsimile of its former self.
He was slightly stressed when he got to his stop, still with half-an-hour's walk ahead of him on a track that led through featureless potato fields.
How turtles navigate across vast expanses of seemingly featureless ocean to reach distant feeding and breeding sites has long been a mystery of the seas.
Lake Eyre might be the bleakest, most featureless place on earth-a flat, arid salt sink in Australia with only the horizon to define its 3,700 square miles.
The multiple layers of emission appear strangely complex and unexpected given the relatively featureless appearance of the elliptical galaxy in less deep images.
In contrast to the city lights along the sea coast and interior, the Atlantic Ocean appears as a featureless dark region filling the lower right quarter of the image.
A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene consisting of the outline as well as a featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black.
And the surface beneath the sample molecule is usually metal, too, and its smooth, featureless mash of electron orbitals can camouflage the molecule lying on top of it.
As he continued to catalog the flat featureless landscape through binoculars - gray concrete runways, black asphalt service roads, brown grass - Bauer's headset crackled.
Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is, the more difficult is it to bring it home. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer)
Mostly, however, it was as featureless as the surface of the moon. A cosmic boredom gradually settled in each day, although this was lightened by spending each night with local families.
The eggs of these insects have become featureless and round again, like lizard eggs, and in so doing also become more vulnerable and in need of care, like our own young. Yet they survive.
The eggs of these insects have become featureless and round again, like lizard eggs, and in so doing also become more vulnerable and in need of care, like our own young. Yet they survive.