But Mr. Liu's plant features construction that looks slapdash by Western standards.
The second chapter narrates the cognition of features construction of cities and towns.
Referring to dienogest's construction features, we reconstructed anordrin.
Other features include a jump in new, large construction contracts and fewer failed transactions.
The Indian Railway is expected to adopt some of the technical and operational features of DaQin line on the dedicated freight corridors that are being planned and are under construction in India.
WebSphere ESB and WebSphere Message Broker offer a variety of pre-built mediation functions, visual construction tooling, and other features far beyond the basic messaging support in SIBus.
Thinking of the construction of a building complex based on the essential features of living in a strongly characterized time and place, we proposed an option to a mere speculative interest.
This brings up SQLObject's query construction kit, one of the package's most interesting features.
These features make DojoX Secure a valuable contributor to secure mashup construction.
这些特性使得 DojoX Secure 成为保护混搭构造的一个宝贵的贡献者。
The walls, roof and door frames have been restored, preserving the essential features of the original construction.
Protection with a simple construction, non-flammable, safe to use around the stone features such as color coefficient.
The stone cage nets features many 2, the most important is that the construction is convenient, cheap. Xiao Bian on these two points for everyone to introduce.
The preparation methods and features of construction drawings are briefly described.
The system has many features, such as low density, high strength, good rheology, good compatibility with other additive and simple construction etc.
2-20x speed up of most features (calls, construction, arrays).
绝大多数功能2 - 20倍的速度提升(调用、构造、数组)。
Distinctive features, finishes and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a historic property shall be preserved.
Concert grand with the same basic construction and features as the smaller model B. Very common concert instrument all over the world, designed about 100 years ago.
The PT-03 Desert shares the same basic features and sole construction as the PT-03, with some differences to optimize it for warmer temperatures and a sandy environment.
In this paper, the construction procedures of foundations, superstructure, the principal construction technical features and construction difficulties of the bridge are expounded.
Features traditional flanged construction and simple design to enhance reliability.
Distinctive materials, features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property will be preserved.
The most characteristic construction features have been cut out and laid bare. The old metal rafters have been painted white, contrasting sharply with the patina of the weathered walls.
This paper discusses on the features and construction paths of library's individualized information environment.
Natural River Lake in residential construction and acquisition features to developers and real people are of course ideal choice.
Composition, installation procedure and features, construction schedule and quality control and inspection of sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plants are reviewed.
This strengthening method has the features of convenient for construction, high construction speed, no template, low cost.
This article discusses the features of construction project risk management, methods of project management, assignment of resources, project insurance contract.
The major features of Peter Burke's culture history views can be summarized as mild medium, construction and multi-dimension.
Upon completion of construction, he must submit a project description outlining the LEED design features incorporated into the building for formal USGBC evaluation.
Upon completion of construction, he must submit a project description outlining the LEED design features incorporated into the building for formal USGBC evaluation.