The burning question in this year's debate over the federal budget is: whose taxes should be raised?
Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by business.
There, his students of "citizen statistics" learn to analyze public information like the federal budget and corporate reports.
Welfare, foreign aid, the federal budget, and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by the business.
A large majority also want to tax Wall Street profits to reduce the federal budget deficit.
The latest item to join the projection party is the long-range outlook for the federal budget.
A huge butcher block was used to trim fat from the federal budget, which was sometimes cut to the bone.
The federal budget is perhaps the best indicator of the destructive path blazed by these policy deviations.
The biggest controversy in Washington this summer, however, has been over the federal budget and debt limit.
Yet she also insists that her pre-flood pledge to bring the federal budget into surplus by 2012-13 still stands.
她同时强调,洪水前的保证,在2012- 2013年之前,将给该州充盈的联邦预算依然不变。
When I listen to current discussions of the federal budget, the message I hear sounds like this: We're in crisis!
Finally, we need to balance the federal budget and we need both revenue increases and expense reductions to do that.
There are concerns that the hackers may have gained advance knowledge of the federal budget, to be released next month.
But the new federal budget deal cuts 12 percent from the agency's conservation spending, which could hamper soil efforts.
JERRY WEBMAN: "the central issue is how the us is going to bring its federal budget back down to a sustainable deficit level."
Right now, the U.S. is running huge shortfalls in both the current account and the federal budget-the so-called twin deficits.
Right now, the U. s. is running huge shortfalls in both the current account and the federal budget-the so-called twin deficits.
现在,美国正经受国际收支经常项目和联邦预算的不足- - - - -即所谓的双赤字。
Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has introduced a bill that would chop a half trillion dollars out of the federal budget.
Unexpectedly large federal budget cuts are chipping away at quarterly growth rates with less of a cushion than previously imagined.
All these cuts add up, needless to say, for a federal budget already straining to the tune of trillion-dollar-plus annual deficits.
Even small deviations in growth rates can mean hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars in the federal budget deficit.
They don't have the time or the incentive to study the federal budget, let alone state budgets (which are by and large incomprehensible).
The only thing they clearly want to cut is foreign aid, which most Americans believe, wrongly, accounts for a large share of the federal budget.
And in the weeks ahead, I will submit a proposal for the federal budget that will begin to restore the discipline these challenging times demand.
And in the weeks ahead, I will submit a proposal for the federal budget that will begin to restore the discipline these challenging times demand.