The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger.
Amid the current concerns about the federal deficit, reaching toward the stars seems a dispensable luxury—as if saving one-thousandth of a single year's budget would solve our problems.
Recession and aggressive fiscal stimulus have hugely swollen the federal deficit.
In 2007, the federal deficit was 1.2 percent of G.D.P. Two years later, it's at 13 percent.
The federal deficit in America is expected to hit a staggering $1.4 trillion this year.
The federal deficit is likely to average a trillion dollars a year over the next decade.
Mr. Obama promised that his proposals would not increase the size of the federal deficit.
That's going to increase the federal deficit and increase interest payments on the federal debt.
The federal deficit went from 4.5 percent of GDP in 1933 to 5.9 percent in 1934, not a huge increase.
The increased revenues and our spending restraint have led to good progress in reducing the federal deficit.
Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina says his constituents have more pressing concerns than the federal deficit.
The report argues that as personal savings rise and the federal deficit declines, America’s appetite for foreign savings will shrink.
The legislation raised the nation's debt ceiling and set the groundwork for additional action to cut the massive federal deficit.
They may well lambast Mr Obama for expanding the federal deficit; but it is less impressive when they are unable to suggest alternatives.
Republicans have strongly objected to the additional spending, saying it would increase the ballooning federal deficit and lead to higher taxes.
The CBO's analysis suggests that the federal deficit will be slashed by well over a trillion dollars over the next two decades by this reform.
First, higher personal-saving rates and (more optimistically) a lower federal deficit will hold down long-term interest rates and the cost of capital.
Also appearing on Fox was Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who argued that fixing the massive federal deficit requires fiscal discipline.
With the federal deficit totaling around $1.1 trillion through July, switching to a dollar-coin might provide a way those desperate in Congress to cut costs.
The Fed is financing a vast and rising federal deficit, following a practice that has been a surefire prescription for domestic inflation from time immemorial.
The council's report frankly acknowledges that by draining national saving, the federal deficit, which will hit a record 10.6% of GDP this year, will hinder rebalancing.
US policymakers will need to find ways to increase domestic savings, shrink the federal deficit, reduce the heavy reliance of American consumers on credit and curb oil imports.
He views the federal deficit as a moral issue as well as an economic one, because "the day of reckoning" for the excesses of the present generation is being deferred to the future.
Reid says polls show the vast majority of Americans, and even the majority of Republicans, favor reducing the federal deficit with the combination of spending cuts and revenue increases.
"We are committed to taking measures to maintaining greater personal saving and to reducing the federal deficit to a sustainable level by 2013," Geithner said at the opening session of the talks.
S. elections saw Republicans win control of the House of Representatives with a promise to reduce the trillion-dollar federal deficit and stop adding to America's $14-trillion national debt.
S. elections saw Republicans win control of the House of Representatives with a promise to reduce the trillion-dollar federal deficit and stop adding to America's $14-trillion national debt.