The Fed has to pursue full employment and low inflation by the Federal Reserve Act of 1978, but these two objectives are conflicting.
Recent polls have shown that more than 75 percent of Americans support efforts to audit the Fed, something which my bill, HR 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, aims to do.
最近的民意调查显示超过75%的美国人支持这场审计美联储的努力,也就是我的法案,H . R . 1207,审计美联储法案意图去做的事。
In his lifetime, the Federal Reserve never had to act in the way it needed to act in the fall of 2008.
The Federal Reserve has yet to act, but officials in Europe and Russia are already complaining about the prospect of a much weaker dollar.
The Federal Reserve has yet to act, but officials in Europe and Russia are already complaining about the prospect of a much weaker dollar.