In the years following an eight-cent increase in the federal tax on a pack of cigarettes, sales of cigarettes fell ten percent.
The federal tax, of 18.4 cents a gallon, has not been raised since1993.
Those calculations factor in the Leaf's $7, 500 federal tax rebate.
A federal tax credit for wind has been allowed to expire three times in recent years.
The chief reason for the higher number is a big increase in tobacco prices due to federal tax increases.
The plane hit the second floor of the building which contains federal tax offices and burst into flames.
This column is even more impressed by her mastery of the 3.8m or so words of the ludicrous federal tax code.
Nissan and Chevrolet are getting around sticker shock by using that federal tax credit to deliver cut-rate leases.
日产和雪佛兰正在用联邦税收抵免来提供打折租赁应对sticker shock。
In the three years after the end of the tech boom, federal tax revenues plummeted from 20 percent of GDP to 16 percent.
McCain who found the simple formula: I'll suspend the federal tax on gas and allow drilling offshore for more oil.
There is the end of the federal tax credit, and the crappy employment news, and the shadow inventory of foreclosed homes.
Stocks prices are down, and the federal tax rate on long-term capital gains is the lowest it may be for a long time.
The Nissan has a sticker price of about $33,000, but after a federal tax credit of $7,500, the car costs about $25,000.
While the price is popping up to accommodate that federal tax, sales will likely decrease -he's expecting a wash there.
With stingier unemployment benefits and a lower federal tax take, America has fewer "automatic stabilisers" than other rich countries do.
Thanks to a 30% federal tax credit, that works out as much the same as a combined-cycle gas-turbine plant-but without the noise and fumes.
The reality is that effective federal tax rates at every level of income have fallen significantly over the past 30 years, especially at the top.
The pilot of a plane which crashed into an office block in Austin, Texas left a note expressing his anger at federal tax authorities, police say.
The effective federal tax rate for the middle fifth of households declined to 14.2% in 2005 from 16.6% in 2000, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)的数据显示,收入居中的那五分之一美国家庭实际承担的联邦税率从2000的16.6%下降至2005年的14.2%。
The Congressional Budget Office estimates that interest payments on the federal debt will rise from 9% of federal tax revenues to 20% in 2020, 36% in 2030 and 58% in 2040.
The federal tax law also classifies charitable organizations in various ways, and encourages the making of charitable gifts by giving the donor significant tax benefits.
The heating and cooling systems, including the four geothermal wells, for example, cost about $100, 000 (an amount reduced somewhat by a federal tax credit and a state rebate).
The report, which studied changes in income after accounting for federal tax and inflation, found those in the middle also saw their wages grow slowly in comparison with the better-off.
This year, private-equity titans and hedge-fund wizards got caught in the headlights when it became public that they were paying just 15 percent in federal tax on their gargantuan payouts.
This year, private-equity titans and hedge-fund wizards got caught in the headlights when it became public that they were paying just 15 percent in federal tax on their gargantuan payouts.