The bacteria, well the bacteria kind of feed the tubeworms through chemosynthesis, remember, that chemical reaction I described earlier.
Well, since more and more stockmen began to add something into the feed. That are for high nutrition.
They will now look into breeding new plants and feed with high sources of fat and sugar, as well as dietary additives such as garlic extract.
When once they were in her power, she would feed them well till they got fat, and then kill them and cook them for her dinner; and this she called her feast-day.
There's a separate news feed and a Planet Orion blog aggregator, as well as a twitter account @orion_oti.
此外还有一个新闻feed和PlanetOrion博客聚合以及名为 @orion_oti的twitter帐号。
Railroad authorities also said that large quantities of rice and meat, as well as 20,000 boxes of instant noodles, had been rushed to the paralyzed trains to feed passengers.
If you have dill or parsley in your garden you may well attract its attention for its caterpillars feed on these plants.
Traditional and organic farming could feed Europeans and Americans well.
It holds water remarkably well and helps feed the perennial streams on which they and the animals that live on the mountain rely.
As well as his military exploits, Kangxi was a cultured and humane ruler, who created an agricultural base to feed the nation's growing population.
They feed on some 300 species of plant, including figs, mulberries, corn, citrus fruits as well as soybeans, legumes and weeds.
We learned from the AK-47 as well as other reliable feed mechanisms.
我们研究Ak - 47以及其他的可靠的反馈机制。
A a Web log can provide a feed to its content by producing an RSS document available via a well-known URL.
You just explored the standard of the RSS format and how to create a feed as well as receive one and transform it into useable HTML.
The form can be used to feed into design as well as to track the progress of the team.
You can upload one or more files as well as the entire contents of a folder; you can also import data from a feed such as an RSS feed.
可以上载一个或多个文件以及整个文件夹内容;还可以从提要(如RSS 提要)导入数据。
Stockmarket indices, soaring house prices and low inflation surely did more to feed bankers' and borrowers' exaggerated sense of well-being.
All feed data from internal as well as external data sources is cached. An embedded Derby database is provided as a default option to create the default repository for the mashup catalog.
The Atom feed information includes a few mandatory elements as well as recommended and optional elements. The mandatory feed elements include.
The server provides services to the mashup client as well as to third-party feed readers or even other application servers or clients.
She’s an active social media marketing and PR practitioner that blogs and runs an agency as well as a software services company called Press feed.
她是一名社交媒体营销活动家和公关从业人员,她办有博客,并经营着一家叫新闻料(Press feed)的软件服务代理公司。
Everything that we discussed, from profile complexity to the news feed to applications are indicative of a well known problem - Information Overload.
But while cotton accounts for nearly 40% of the fiber used worldwide to make clothing, there's one thing the plant has never been able to do well: feed people.
And mashup Hub is an enterprise feed server, as well as a catalog of feed and widgets usable in mashups.
The main element is the Channel tag, which contains the entries as well as metadata about the feed.
After using the Facebook visual feed for six days, I find the web-version of Facebook downright dowdy, slow and well, not fun.
As such, ADO.NET data Services use URIs to point to pieces of data and simple, well-known formats to represent that data, such as JSON and ATOM (XML-based feed format).
Well, OK. There's still some bread left over. We can feed the ducks with it.
Well, OK. There's still some bread left over. We can feed the ducks with it.