Moreover, PID controller was used to realize feed-back control, which could overcome the limits of direct inverse control in performance and robustness.
By the feed-back control of the duty ratio according to the oscillations of the movable plate, the movable plate can be controlled to oscillate in the proper phase and at the proper oscillation Angle.
The error between the actual position and the theoretic position will be gotten and feed back the control computer.
The electro-hydraulic proportional control valve uses the proven force feed-back system for improved hysteresis, repeatability, and response.
The mathematical models based on the assumed modes method and a closed loop velocity feed back control law are developed to describe the flexural vibration dynamic behaviors.
This paper applies a method of linear continuous variable feedback to the control of a kind of voltage collapses induced by reactive power changes, which only USES a single variable to feed back.
Combining the forecasting of machining dimension with that of process capability in a machining process, principle and method of feed-back compensative control is proposed in the paper.
The common control methods, such as step control, integrate control, feed back, proportional, integral, derivative and feed forward, were described.
Aiming at solving the unsafety problem of milling vertebra wall in spine stenosis surgery a spine robot system based on force feed back control strategy is introduced.
The stability and small dynamic errors could be confirmed by using the method of composite control in which the pitch angular rate of barbette sensed by INS was feed back and compensated in advance.
A precept of distortion control which USES harmonic notch feedback method is discussed in this paper. The control process is analyzed, and the feed-back arithmetic is given.
We study the linear transmission of analog message for Gaussian autoregressive channel with noiseless feed-back by means of optimal control method.
According to the special requires of bridge crane, it adopts the vector control theory, has functions of regulating speed smoothly, energy feed back, sequence brake etc.
A new way to generate stable ac current is found with feed back control system by single chip microcomputer. So a new high power ac current regulator is developed.
While any PID control has an overshoot and reaching the target with vibrating mode, "I-SAC" is realizing smooth and fast response due to its proprietary high-gain feed-back.
Moreover, the construction process control of the bridges was made as well by the construction control method of combined self adaption and feed back.
By adopting a network control system, the equipment can communicate with the remote host machine in real time, feed back the equipment information and receive the control instructions.
By adopting a network control system, the equipment can communicate with the remote host machine in real time, feed back the equipment information and receive the control instructions.