I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes.
Make sure the chickens are three feet apart from each other, and make sure to feed the chickens cornmeal.
Both cattle and chickens raised for meat are often fed the type of feed that transmits the virus that causes the disease.
Instead of feeding the chickens the food the experts recommended, she feed them leftovers from her kitchen.
So the couple have stopped buying feed for their dozen sheep and goats and six chickens and instead asked neighboring farmers to let them use scraps from their corn fields.
Feed the grain to the chickens.
If you like to garden, feed a dog and a few chickens, keep a house clean, go to the gym, camp, swim, drive a boat, and travel, then we will make a good match.
Thousands of broiler chickens were thrown away to die outside at one of the poultry farms in Kursk region, as there was nothing to feed them with.
For example, much of the corn now grown in the United States is used to feed farm animals such as cows and chickens.
Two experiments were conducted using duodenal infusion method to investigate the effect of feed oligopeptides on portal absorption of amino acids in chickens under unanesthetized condition.
The technology is mainly applied in animal feed promoter, such as pigs, chickens, cows and sheep and the like and biological high protein feed.
该技术主要应用于猪、鸡、牛、羊等动物饲料促长剂和生 物高蛋白饲料。
With Mary, to feed creatures was the natural expression of affection - her chickens, the calves, her big hungry boys.
The present invention relates to the field of feed formula design, specifically to a novel green broiler chickens complete feed and technique of preparing the same.
The broiler chickens fed by the feed greatly enhances immune function, greatly enhances the immunity against the disease and substantially improves the survival rate.
It can enhance the feed intake, increase immunity and daily weight gain of chickens, pigs and others.
It can enhance the feed intake, increase immunity and daily weight gain of chickens, pigs and others.