Jack and Tony must fetch the water from the bottom of the mountain to feed their families.
Some of the farmers had quit farming and were cutting railroad ties so they could feed their families.
Firstly, of the millions of people who fish for fun, most only catch enough fish to feed their families.
The women feed their families and sell their surplus. They use the money to send their children to school.
For them, entrepreneurship is about raising chickens and cows or making clothes to help feed their families.
Seventy percent of the world’s poor live in rural areas. They depend on agriculture to earn a living and feed their families.
And without the ability to feed their families or pay the bills, many people currently looking for work could stop looking for good.
This has kept them off the city streets where they could gather and protest - and gives them an income so they can feed their families.
I am not sure these two COINS are used up, although I am really hungry, four seasoning sauce packets may not be able to feed their families.
If, as with sponging, conching is taught primarily by females to other females, then conching was likely an invention of single mothers trying to feed their families.
They can not find work, they need money to feed their families and the only way to get it is to join the insurgency, which in some cases pays better than other employers.
Though the pink dolphins are protected by law, the fishermen see them as nettlesome competitors for the catches that feed their families, and their frustration sometimes boils over.
Some of my fellow prisoners had been arrested for trapping porcupines in the forest, selling gasoline, stealing — petty offenses committed in desperate efforts to feed their families.
Fathers tended to skip family meals, eat at work or feed their families take-out meals; mothers were likely to skip breakfast and buy restaurant or prepared entrees instead of cooking.
"Local people only associated wildlife protection with law enforcement," Vathana explains. "When farmers were arrested for clearing the forest, they could no longer feed their families."
According to household surveys Burney's team distributed, women tending the test plots were able to feed their families about 500 to 700 grams per day-the equivalent of three to five servings.
Families in difficult circumstances require special attention and practical support to be able to feed their children adequately.
Animal feed is an important consideration as agricultural costs soaring across the world, leaving millions of families unable to meet their basic rice needs.
These farmers are mainly women. Many cannot produce enough food even to feed and support their own families.
These employees feed and clothe their families, buy goods and services and go on holiday, thereby spreading wealth to others. They pay taxes.
These employees feed and clothe their families, buy goods and services and go on holiday, thereby spreading wealth to others. They pay taxes.