It is shown that in the ANC system with IIR filter the acoustic feedback effect has been apparently abated.
But little research had investigated the relationship between the characteristics of receiver and feedback effect.
The financial community believes that unique "feedback effect" in fair value accounting is the root cause of SPMC;
Finally the negative feedback effect of the aileron operation on the control parameters in the stable region is studied.
An optoelectronic detection system based on the optical feedback effect in a direct frequency modulated laser diode is developed.
General equilibrium analysis determines the prices and quantity in all markets simultaneously and takes the feedback effect into account.
The positive feedback effect between the traffic demand and the traffic supply makes the road net plan hard to suit the future traffic demand.
Study on theoretical models of laser self-mixing interference based on optical feedback effect is made in terms of weak optical feedback condition.
Depending on the numerical calculation, the explicit control law with the high-gain feedback effect can reinforce the output regulation performance.
The steroid hormone, produced by gonad, regulates the forming and release of GtH through feedback effect during the development and maturation of gonads in fish.
Scientists are concerned that the loss of sea ice is leading to a feedback effect where the newly exposed, darker ocean absorbs more sunlight, warming the water yet further.
Another concern is that the green-house gases cause what is known as a feedback effect, in which the warming of the surface temperatures lead to a worsening of the conditions.
Conclusion: PKC was closely related with apoptosis of the olfactory cells, it should be considered that negative feedback effect of PKC on the growth of olfactory bulb in rats.
结论:大鼠嗅球细胞的凋亡与PKC的调节密切相关;推测PK C对大鼠嗅球的生长、发育起着重要的负反馈调节作用。
By analyzing the direct frequency modulation and optical feedback effect of laser diode, a theoretical model for measuring small vibration displacement and velocity is discussed.
Special emphasis is placed on studies of the behavior of particles suspended in a turbulent gas flow and their feedback effect on the characteristics of flow of the carrier phase.
Capital pricing is both scientific and artistic, with the characteristics of relativity, timeliness, opaque and subjective, and is influenced by feedback effect and institutional defect.
This added resistance causes the waveform frequency to drop, lowering the pitch of the sound you hear internally and creating a sort of feedback effect that stimulates the eardrum from both sides.
Postulating the effect is one thing; teasing it out from the cobweb of climatic feedback loops and estimating its magnitude is something else altogether.
Feedback Latency: the bulk of the testing in this workflow is manual, and that means it takes days or weeks to discover the effect of a given change.
The cloud feedback pattern had been difficult to spot previously because the effect of global warming is heavily obscured by normal weather fluctuations.
A CEO who signals their belief in the importance of open, honest feedback will create a cascade effect — a feedback fountain that flows down throughout the organization.
ICM RME automatically finds out why the feedback was given, and, in case of erroneous feedback, it will quickly nullify its effect (or "unlearn" it).
Just type a single line at the command line and get quick feedback about the effect of each of the parameters that you can pass to it.
So the effect of the manager's feedback is not at all what is intended. For example.
This is a voluntary activity, and we hope that by getting feedback, APA can develop more streamlined electronic PIP modules when the ABPN requirements go into effect.
The study approach is involved analyzing problem, advancing project, tracking and feedback the effect of project actualizing, and conclusion.
For the FMT system, a decision-aided equalizer could overcome the floor effect of the decision feedback equalizer which is caused by the multi-path channel.
The effect of finite rate feedback in multiple-antenna OFDM systems on communication performance is discussed in this paper.
The effect of corrective feedback has been a focus on the research of FLT, but it is mostly confined to oral class.
The effect of corrective feedback has been a focus on the research of FLT, but it is mostly confined to oral class.