Although not unique, the ALB's feeding habits are unusual.
In recent years our feeding habits have been the focus of ongoing polemics.
Shellfish also contain high levels of toxins because of their filter-feeding habits.
The structures of the nematode communities are dependant on the feeding habits of the host.
The stone marten is a predatory nocturnal mammal with feeding habits similar to those of domestic cats.
It's obvious, the Mediterranean feeding habits and the cooking techniques are much healthier, you must admit.
These studies showed that the structure of the digestive gland in H. rugulosus was adapted to feeding habits.
According to the different feeding habits, can be divided into two major categories of herbivores and carnivores.
Results on feeding habits of mullet fry in brackish water ponds applied withmunures for producing natural feed is obtaind.
Because of their various feeding habits and quick spread beetles can seriously destroy many other tree species in the area.
Objective:To study the relationship between the occurrence of early childhood caries and feeding habits, family economical condition.
ResultsThe common incorrect feeding habits caused malnutrition were:in 1~4 months, early eating rice or porridge, accounted for 17.9%;
We have our own pets nutrition, feeding habits researching institutions, also also have a wide range of cooperation with academic institutions.
Soil nema todes are the most abundant metazoan which have various types of life-history and feeding habits and play a key role in soil food web.
Soil nematodes are the most abundant metazoan, which have various types of life-history and feeding habits, and play a key role in soil food web.
Therefore, you will possibly find a borer, a miner or a galler in the same genus and some species have two feeding habits above (cf. Byers 2006).
Soil nematodes are the most abundant metazoan, which have various types of life - history and feeding habits, and play a key role in soil food web.
Knowing that the spread of mosquito-borne disease depends on the insects' feeding habits could help researchers predict and prevent the spread of new pathogens.
The difference between someone who realizes this, and someone who doesn't, is a bit like the difference between the feeding habits of a Peking duck and a wild duck.
The feeding habits of six dominant species of Catantopinae, Acridinae and Oedipodinae of Acrididae were studied in 1976 and 1979 in Barkol grassland, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
The corpulent primates serve as useful models, experts say, because they resemble humans much more than laboratory rats do, not only physiologically but in some of their feeding habits.
Although not unique, the ALB's feeding habits are unusual. Most temperate cerambycids inhabit recently dead or dying wood, but the ALB commonly infests living, healthy, and weakened trees.
The structure of reproductive stock, the growth character the mortality parameter and breeding, feeding habits of Chinese herring in the estuary of Mingjang River are reported in this paper.
The differences in feeding preferences lead, in turn, to differences in migratory habits.
Once you establish a pattern for your baby's sleeping, awake, and feeding times, changing things for an afternoon isn't likely to undo his habits.
This is true, radiating and self-feeding happiness and productivity… and it all begins with self-knowledge and self-awareness — not from the study of others’ habits.
幸福和快乐可以自己满足,这是真的! 你只要有这样的感觉和意识--而不是学别人的习惯。
Human food is not natural to wild animals and their natural feeding cycles and habits have become disturbed.
Human food is not natural to wild animals and their natural feeding cycles and habits have become disturbed.