I feel betrayed and creeped out.
I feel betrayed by Trezeguet's words.
It's because we the people of these United States feel betrayed.
What would make you feel betrayed by your mate-indifference? dishonesty? infidelity?
They feel betrayed, cut not only by Durant's decision to leave, but by the team he went to.
Austin said that members of focus groups have told her that they feel betrayed by such a program.
You may feel betrayed by this person, or kept in the dark, but this eclipse will expose everything.
If something like this happens you feel betrayed and the situation between me and the club after was not okay.
It stings4 when you feel betrayed by a friend, and if the trust is totally broken, you may not be able to forgive her.
They sense the need to confess to someone but aren't sure who to go to. Will my friend feel betrayed if I reveal my sin?
You have every right to feel betrayed by your friend if she did tell your secret to others, but it seems unlikely that she did.
I feel betrayed by my friend, Hannah. We have been best friends since primary school and spend almost every day with each other.
And they feel betrayed because what the administration once billed as a transparent, voluntary program aimed only at dangerous convicted criminals turns out to be none of those things.
"I feel betrayed by Uber," says Omer Abdelnur, who has driven for Uber for three years in San Francisco; he has watched his earnings decline by around 70%, according to his estimates.
Why do so many Russians feel threatened, betrayed and disappointed by the West?
When we find somebody lying, we get angry, we feel we've been betrayed or violated or insulted in some way, and the liar is regarded as deceptive, deficient, morally at fault.
“You feel totally betrayed, ” Bentu says.
Somehow people know just how to make you feel hurt, angry, insulted, let down, disappointed, abandoned, betrayed.
All of you must release and heal, those of you with regrets, those of you with a sense of loss, those of you who felt betrayed, those of you who feel guilt... it is time to let it go.
If ever one day, your parents are told that this shake and warmth came from a foreign land, would they feel like being betrayed by their children?
She wondered when she would begin to feel something, the pain and guilt of a wife who had betrayed her husband.
She wondered when she would begin to feel something, the pain and guilt of a wife who had betrayed her husband.