These moments are so unforgettable that I feel like sharing them with you.
"Books are our friends," he added "If you return to a book you've read many times, you'll feel like talking with an old friend."
Even when you are working with London records, you started to have you own brands, do you feel like being an entrepreneur yourself?
S: Even when you are working with London records, you started to have you own brands, do you feel like being an entrepreneur yourself?
If everyone around you is striving to die with the biggest bank account, and you have it, you feel like a winner.
Are you so depressed and lonely that you feel like nobody would want to hang out with you, so you stop making the effort?
Just don't go out of your way to hang out with them, knowing they'll make you feel like shit in the end.
When you're working, you feel like you're neglecting domestic duties, and when you're spending time with your family, you feel like you should be prepping for that conference call.
Another soldier testified: "You feel like a stupid little kid with a magnifying glass looking at ants, burning them."
“It’s great bec ause you don’t have to be part of some cliché ’tour group, ’ ” wrote yipyap, adding that you feel like “you are simply spending the day with new friends.
If you're stuck and feel like your conclusion isn't saying anything new or interesting, ask a friend to read it with you.
You may not like them, but it appears' smug marrieds' have a good reason to feel pleased with themselves.
A day when you feel like the proverbial busy bee, with no time to admire the fragrant flowers you're landing on?
As much as we hear a spiritual evolution is at hand, in many ways we still live in a very physical, down and dirty world. It can feel like you are competing in a 10k with a bum leg.
You maybe in the Cooperation Stage if both you and your spouse seem more preoccupied with the kids, money, home and work and you start to feel like business partners more than lovers.
With a gentle look on her face, she paused and said, "Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a thought which I feel is very important."
Massive fans at many mines make it feel like you are standing in a wind tunnel. Coating the walls with limestone also can dampen the effects of coal dust.
If I feel like it, and have the time, I'll play with your beta and let you know what I think.
You won’t feel motivated to write, because you’ll feel like nobody is reading you, and because you feel unsatisfied with the quality of the work.
With this article, we hope we have given you a feel for what it is like to work with R. But R offers many other riches than we've shown here.
我们希望通过本文能使您对R 有一个初步了解,并喜欢使用它。不过,R 具有很多我们在这里没有展示的功能。
In Dreams, you feel Obama Jr. struggling with [questions like] 'Who am I?
The online world will feel like a well-lighted place with shops, newsstands, and the like, where you can see other people and they can see you.
Don't feel like children should never see their parents disagree, or that you can't express displeasure with your significant other.
Debt sucks, and when you're in it is way harder to feel like you are spending with purpose. But even paying off debt has a purpose. The end goal is more freedom, more options, and a simpler life.
It makes you feel like you're really, uh, being with the people you're with.
If your child has a cold or you feel like you might be coming down with one, tweak your diet.
Q.After the match with Taylor, do you feel like you really needed a match like today, something to get through quick, save yourself energy?
Q.After the match with Taylor, do you feel like you really needed a match like today, something to get through quick, save yourself energy?