Modifying the ICONS, for example, is necessary if you want a look and feel with large fonts.
Laugh, joke, and give her permission to diffuse the embarrassment she may feel with healing humor.
The little sympathy which we feel with bodily pain is the foundation of the propriety of constancy and patience in enduring it.
I was always aware Granny loved us. It was something you could feel with your heart, even when your world was turned upside down.
But you can see how much customization you can do to the look and feel with this framework, thanks to the Eclipse plug-in architecture.
To that masculine strength, underscored by severe dark hair, the designer added a more baroque feel with rich patterns on short dresses.
JD: I personally haven't done that much with Spring integration, we're currently using it for a smaller project to get the feel with it.
By letting the different developers excel in their own areas, we don't have mucked-up code or a look and feel with a serious case of the uglies.
Visually impaired users, for example, often need a look and feel with a high contrast between text and background, as well as large fonts and ICONS.
例如,有些弱视用户常常要求look -and -feel在文本与背景之间具有高对比度,同时还要有大的字体和图标。
This London hotel in ritzy Mayfair combines a gent’s club feel with oodles of luxury, starting from the red entrance carpet and rose and white Victorian facade.
This London hotel in ritzy Mayfair combines a gent's club feel with oodles of luxury, starting from the red entrance carpet and rose and white Victorian facade.
The Gross National Happiness looks at the quality of life, how much leisure time you have, what's happening in your community, and how integrated you feel with your culture.
In the same way, you can create a high-contrast look and feel with white text on black background and normal font size just by providing another resource file as shown in Listing 4.
And by separating the content from the formatting using XML and Extensible stylesheet Language (XSL), I can make wholesale changes to the document's look and feel with a simple change to a stylesheet.
而且我可以运用XML和可扩展样式语言(ExtensibleStylesheet Language,XSL)将内容从格式化中分离出来,这样我只要对一个样式做一个简单的修改就可以使文档的观感发生显著的变化。
To his surprise he didn't feel too weak. Light-headed certainly, and with a sense of unreality, but able to walk.
People feel so strongly that we recently presented the government with a petition signed by 4,500 people.
You have to take these findings with a grain of salt because respondents tend to give the answers they feel they should.
Introduce foods one at a time and notice if you feel uncomfortable with any of them.
Returning to a book you've read many times can feel like drinks with an old friend.
They are normally serious about learning and feel disappointed with low grades on tests and exams.
They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.
To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.
I was very angry with him, but now I feel I've got it out of my system.
I feel that learning with books is as important as learning to eat with utensils and being potty-trained.
I'm not rough and tough enough to feel comfortable with the boys, and yet my gender excludes me from hanging with my friends, the girls.
Nevertheless, whether the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel dissatisfied with things-as-they-are in the classroom.
When taking a test, you may feel shaky, sweaty, with your heart beating quickly.
Choose skills you feel comfortable enough with to practice for a day, a week, a month, or even a year.
The advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits.
The advantage of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits.