There is a feeling of familiarity, a feeling that you can be friends with this one, you can be open, you can trust, you can laugh.
At the beginning of the relationship, there can be a very strong feeling of familiarity and comfort, and an emotional connection that seems out of this world.
In contrast the word camaraderie which comes from the same source as comrade means “familiarity” and sort of a team or group feeling, a warmth, and has never taken on a communist sense.
另一与camrade来源一样的词是camaraderie【译注:意为亲密,友情, 友爱】, 表达”熟识,亲近“之意,带有群体感,温馨等意思。 Camaraderie这词却从来没有”共“味。
Those moments will establish a feeling of recognition and familiarity.
Those moments will establish a feeling of recognition and familiarity.