He heard light footsteps and a light breath, and he felt a pair of gentle arms embracing him, and a single tear fell on his face.
When Abraham heard these words, he fell on his face; and God spake to him, and filled his heart with the faith in what God would do for him.
And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, o my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.
The great Caesar landing in Egypt fell flat on his face in the wet shore. you can imagine the consternation of his officers, until the great and resourceful man shouted, Africa I've got you!
伟大的恺撒大帝登陆埃及时脸朝地直挺挺地跌倒在潮湿的海滩上——你可以想象得到他手下的官兵是怎样的惊惶失措一一直至后来这个充满雄韬伟略的男子大声呼喊:“非洲,我把你弄到手了! ”!
The possibility that this was at last the blessed chance lit up his eyes ten thousand times as they fell on some new face.
Well, this guy fell asleep on the sofa and when he woke up, half his face had been bitten off!
She strained the boy suddenly and tightly in her arms, and slowly one tear after another fell on his wondering, unconscious face.
Paul boasted that he was a good skater, but after he fell, he laughed on the other side of his face.
保罗吹嘘他溜冰溜得很棒,但跌了一跤后, 他却哭笑不得。
Ralph DE Bricassart fell forward out of the chair and wept, huddled on the crimson carpet in a scarlet 44 pool like new blood, his face hidden in his folded arms, his hands clutching at his hair.
He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face.
Suddenly the ticket collector threw his hands into the air and fell down on his face.
The great Caesar landing in Egypt fell flat on his face in the wet shore-you can imagine the consternation of his officers, until the great and resourceful man shouted, Africa I've got you!
Ralph DE Bricassart fell forward out of the chair and wept, huddled on the crimson carpet in a scarlet 44 pool like new blood, his face hidden in his folded arms, his hands clutching at his hair.
Ralph DE Bricassart fell forward out of the chair and wept, huddled on the crimson carpet in a scarlet 44 pool like new blood, his face hidden in his folded arms, his hands clutching at his hair.